64. Leaving

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Brad's pov

Joe and I have spoken to Tristan, Connor, my dad and James' family and we have all agreed on my idea so it is going ahead. James' family and my dad are going to sort it out while we are on tour so when we get back it will be ready for James and Emma so it will be a good surprise for them. The tricky bit is trying to keep it a secret from James and Emma because the boys and I will have to ring and keep in contact with everyone back home so we know how it is going, we've also agreed to go home and help them on our days off but Emma will be the hardest to keep it from because she is staying at home.

So that is the good news. On the downside is, it is our last night before we leave for tour and it has hit us all. I've spent the whole day with dad and Emma, the other boys have spent the day with their families and tonight we are sleeping for the last time in our own beds for a few months before we move to tour bus bunks. Emma is going around to James' tonight to spend the night with him. Words can't explain how they are feeling right now, Emma woke up this morning crying, hormones aren't helping I suppose.

We get back to the house and Emma runs upstairs with me. We picked up some final things that I may need for the tour. We're going to do a final check of everything I have to make sure I have everything I need before watching a film so we can have some quality sibling time before she leaves me and goes to James' at seven. We are going to see each other tomorrow when we meet up at the studios to leave so it's not like this will be the last time I see her so I can save the soppy goodbyes for tomorrow.

Emma runs into my room like an excited child and pushes my case so it is lying down. I have two big cases and a rucksack full of stuff already. I put my newly brought clothing and other items down and we start to fold everything and put it in the suitcase.

"Shirts and jeans packed. You've got jumpers and jackets, take a jacket with a hood and an umbrella in case of bad weather. Your wash kit is in that section now because it's not practical putting it in the section of your suitcase that you had it in before." She scans my case then looks at me with a proud look plastered over her face. "I think you have everything."

"You know what Emma?" I laugh as she sits back on the floor with her legs crossed and hands in her lap, it's hard to believe she is having a child when she looks so innocent.


"You are going to be one hell of a good mum."

"I hope so."

"I know so." I smile which she returns. "So movie time?"

"We need popcorn, drinks, crisps, a good movie and a comfy bed to lie on." She laughs

"I'll get the drinks you get the popcorn I have the bed." I say motioning to my bed. "You chose the movie."

"Okay be back here in five. Go go go." She says before rolling army style across my floor and running out the door and down the stairs. How is she going to be a mum? She is immature and acts like a two year old sometimes, James is just as bad. It's going to be hard to tell who the baby is. With that thought on my mind I laugh to myself as I follow my sister downstairs in a more sensible fashion.

I grab two big pint glasses and a large jug of juice to share. I carry them upstairs to my room and wait for my crazy sister to arrive. Lying on me bed I watch as my bedroom door swings open and my sister walks in with a disc in her hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other. She hands me the popcorn then puts the disc in, refusing to show me what film she has picked.

"What are we watching then?"

"This." She smiles as she presses a button on the remote and shuffles back so she is lying next to me. The screen goes black and some white text appears. Home movie: Bradley and Emma Simpson. I almost forgot about these! The black screen and the text changes to the first video clip.

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