Part II

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America couldn't stop think of the mysterious person. He somewhat felt where he was pinned, arousing.

"Stop thinking about it!"

He said as he slapped his face ten times. The door opens, Canada walks in, holding a gun in his other hand.

"What bro?"

"Some trespasser walked in the wrong territory."

He knew how to make the American's day much better. He quickly went into the car that his brother already prepared for him. As they arrive to the spot, the person already has killed the group surrounding leaving three left, holding their gun at him. America raised his hand up, holding their ground keeping eye in the person.

"Where do you come from?"

He looked at him.

"Do you know Edo?"

He heard of the name before but doesnt know how it got to him suddenly.

"I had being chased by those cops. So I ran here."

America went to the person and guiding him to the phone booth. The guy didn't even know that person's number, either he doesn't have one or he really doesn't know. He sighed and waited till he was done. Soon after the person ended the call, a bike appeared out of know where and tripped America. The guy felt happy and started the motor.

"So where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from the Southwestern part. You better see that part there. It's like to die for, the seafood there. Literally."

He went off as America went back to the building to look at the restaurants in the the Southwestern.
'This person has a lot of seafood restaurants than mine. It won't hurt to try the food there.'

As he got in the car, his three other brothers went inside with him. They wore formal outfits going there. And obviously guns to protect them from the leader there. They went to the most famous Sushi restaurant. Don't ask why America was craving for sushi but so as his brothers. It has been years since he had one. Arriving there, they put their guns to secret pockets. Making them look like normal people. Walking in the restaurant, giving them glares to the customers inside. They ordered the special sushi. The chef went back inside to cook them their sushi. One of the other customers showed their katanas, and six others followed as well. They reached down to their secret pocket as they moved closer and swords were almost drawn.

As it soon became quiet, New Zealand decided to break the silence.

"I wanna try this special drink that they have, bros."

And that's when all hell broke lose. Australia, a good sharpshooter and a Hunter, killed at least ten people. America and Canada shot people behind them as they were back to back. One blocked every bullet they've shot. Others went lucky as him and had blood dripping out of their eyes, mouths, and chests in front of him. Just as they reload their guns, both the last person and the chef ran towards them. Someone dropped from the roof and killed the last customer and pointed their sword at the chef. He bowed down and something in Japanese. Going back to the kitchen. As the three looked to see who it was, the person slowly got up looking at them. They wore a full body armor. A mask that looks like some monster or demon. And also horns that seem to project from the machine on the top side of their head.

"Forgive my people. I ordered them to kill anyone who trespasses my territory."

"No worries, but what made you decide to save us other than watch us dead."

He looked at them,

"Oh? One of people trespassed yours and you spared him. Life for life."

"May I know your name stranger?"

"My name is Edo"

"Mr. America to you, Edo."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now