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It has been awhile since I last saw Russia. I think he went back to his killing spree. I felt a bit down than my usual.

"You alright Meri?"

"Dunno, something hurts in my chest"

"Did you smoke too much?"

"NO!! I don't smoke when stressed and I promised you, N.Z, and Aus that I stopped."

"Right, right"

"Then what is it?"

"Maybe a broken heart or something like that."

I looked back at him.

"I mean, your Boyfriend hasn't been seen over 2 months."

"Yea your probably right...."

Canada went behind me and hugged me.

"T-thanks bro...."

He waved and went out of the room. No paperwork was given to me. I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Where are you, Ruski?"


"I don't know shit!!"


I slit his throat. Blood splattered around me, licking it off my hand. It tastes so good. I smiled as all my victims bleeding and their screams like music. I grabbed a girl next to me. I grabbed her by the throat,

"P-please spare me!!"

"Haha!! No."

I crushed her throat and threw on the ground and grabbed her pocket. It has a police badge and her name. I scoffed and threw it to a pile of other wallets that has police badge. I heard a sound of clapping behind me. I turned to China.

"Looks like you've killed my entire team. Well done."

I grabbed my knife pointed it at him.

"Your next."

"Yea yea, I won't try to kill you like what these guys did. I'm just here to ask questions."

I showed my sharpened fangs and teeth. Hearing an audible gulp from him. I crossed my hands and listened to him.

"Alright, anything about this?"

He showed me the photo about that words written in blood and I laughed.

"S-seriously? You thought that it was me?"


"I did your damn job and killed all the suspects for you. Saying that your a very good captain, doesn't buy it for me."

"So who are they?"

"Greece's little assassins, they're so bad at hiding that even an elephant can find them far away."

He got up and raised his hat and entered his car. As the car drove off, I smashed the head of his bodyguards. I chuckled as I looked around me and myself. Covered in blood.

"You stupid bitch!!"

Throwing a can at the back of my head. I growled. I turned my head to see it was one of America's brothers. He went towards me and slapped my face. I rubbed my face.

"He fucking missed you. He thought you played with your heart, Shapeshifter!"

I looked down.

"I didn't mean to disappear without a trace."

"Tell that to him, Asshole!"

I transformed to a dragon and flew to him. I went to to his house and sees his brother standing in front off his house, waiting for me. I went to the window to see him sleeping. I slowly opened the window to enter in. I looked back to the bed and he was gone. I was suddenly pulled inside and kissed deeply. I kissed back opened my eyes, it was America who kissed me.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now