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Russia and America walked around, trying to know each other truly. America really liked Russia, sexually and romantically. The bumped into Philippines, who chatted with her girl friends.

"Hey Pip!"

She smiled when looking at us.

"Hello Russia and America, It seems that you've gotten closer than before."

America rubbed the back of his head while Russia looked at him.

"Oh yeah, so just wondering.... Do you remember anything before?"

Pip answered,

"Oh yes, I believe that I came here after Russia, two years after him. I was always against them. Using me for prostitution, the girls there enjoyed it, or at least the ones that I know. I was against it, punched a man and I beaten up after for doing that. Did that I million times till my memories got erased and thrown here."

America only hugged her. She didn't want a hug but it felt nice since she hasn't been comforted like this.

"Thank you..."

"Well me and Russia are gonna head to Greece. Just gonna check on him if he remembered anything."

Russia kissed his check, which made America blush. Pip held in her laughter,

"Alright then, have fun you love birds~"

Russia rolled his eyes while America stayed close to him.

"RUSSIA! Thank god I found you!"

China ran quickly to him and catching a breath when he was next to the two of them.

"What is going on?"

"We found the entrance. The guards at the center found out Yemen had escaped, they are going here, now."

"So what are supposed to do?"

China got up and showed us his phone,

"Your brothers will distracted them, along with my officers. We will head inside. Russia will protect you."

America rested himself on Russia's body. Feeling the warmth of his body.

Canada and with South Korea, one of the officers working with China, waited for the trespassers to arrive. Loading their guns for their upcoming attack.

"Do you trust them?"


"Do you trust your boss?"

Canada scoffed,

"Yea, he is my bro and he knows the truth than us here, so I do trust him."

"The truth?"

The train of thought stopped as four good looking cars stopped at their trap. A detective grabbed his lighter, lighting his cover and looking around the ruined buildings.

"This place is disgusting, why would he come here. Life is fun there."

Soon rocked we're thrown down on their cars.


Soon gunfire started, the officers with detectives went to take shelter but stopped quickly with gun shoots in their side, killing at least ten who where unaware. The detective hid behind the rock tried shooting one but seemed to miss.

The leader along with Yemen went through a crack of the wall. They were welcomed with bright lights, looking around and grabbing clothes to make them blend in. Russia seemed to wear a jacket with no shirt underneath, this made the American blush madly. Seeing his boyfriend showing his pecs and abs. America was fine wearing his formal suit since he just matched the businessmen who were walking around.

"Now lead us to your hideout."

Yemen nodded and lead them to a back alleyway. He knocked twice on a wooden door which seems that it doesn't lead anywhere. The door swung open,

"Yemen! Thank god you are safe. Who are these people?"

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