Part IV

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I pushed deeper and I felt him kiss back. This kid is really cute when I first saw him. Love at first sight might be true but I felt his hands roaming around my shoulders. Until he reached my head and slapped my face.

I looked back at him and he was panting.

"W-we just met ShapeShifter."

I held his face on my hand.

"But your cute, and I know you like me."

He pushed my hand away and blushed. I just know that he is.

"Your the ShapeShifter, the ShapeShifter, the serial killer."

I chuckled a bit.

"I know I am. I would've killed you when we first met but I found you adorable and don't wanna ruin the pretty face with slashes and a lifeless look."

I guess he found it hard to believe that me, a serial killer, the feared person among all the sides likes him. He slapped me again,

"Ow.... what was that for!"

"You stole my first kiss!"

I looked down to see him topless in bed. Great, why haven't I noticed that. He slapped me again. I deserve that one.


I'm proud of myself with him calling me that.

"Tell me your name then, when you already know mine."

"Fine, America, address me as Mr. America. Nothing else."

I smiled,

"Of course, Mr. America."

We just stayed like this for a few minutes and he laid back to bed and covered himself with blankets. I chuckled and transformed to a black Eagle and flew off. Back to the North.


I woke up and rubbing my head. Was that all real or....... Whatever, I gotta eat breakfast. I went down to see a visitor down eating on the table. The person, a guy, just sat there eating. I went to the table and he waved his hands.

"Heya, Mr. Mafia Man."

I rolled my eyes and sat down with him.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

He threw the table napkin at me and I threw it to the trash can.

"I'm a new guy around here and ever heard of a south? Yeah, that's where I live know. Those two sides won't mind. Plus me and my circus fam and the wrestling team, cousins. Love to live there. You can visit us if wanna see us put a show."

I sipped the coffee that I made while he talked.

"So what's your name then."

"Greece, but call me 'The Butcher'."

I gave my hand out.

"Well nice to meet you, Butcher..."

He shook my hand very strongly and felt that my hand being crushed. He released my hand walked off. And a car waited for him to leave. I watched as he drove away.

"Bro bro bro bro bro bro!"


"A distress signal is from the Northwest."

"Let the other group here go after the signal."


Three people went into the Northwest to find who released the signal. As they walked around. They were ambushed by the locals. Killing them from a single stick. Two starting a camera with the leader watching them and creating  a voice changer. As the video starts,

"Don't ever mess with the Northwestern if you don't want to end up like these fucking men!"

The person grabs one in the neck as he gasps for air.

"These fucking men don't deserve sympathy to anyone. They betray you. And you die even when they deserve death."

As the person crushes the throat of the guy, video ends with blood splattering on the camera.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now