Part XXXIV (End)

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Soon after all those outside the walls entered, with weapons and their emotions letting them fight. Fighting for their memories taken away from them and to live a life of who they are not. Along with them was America's brothers. It became unwhelming for the military in center as they were dealing with the rebellion and now all outsiders coming in.

Phili, China, and Japan went to them guiding them to the building where the president is held. Officers prepared their shields and weapons from the outsiders. The president watched as everything is falling apart. They knew two people are going towards him, but before he can ask them to leave, Russia and America arrived. Killing the soldiers that guard his hiding place. They opened the door to see him watching outside.

He sighed, "I know what you are after, but we can solve it with both parties." He turned to see Russia and America. America held his gun, pointing at him. He only chuckled, "You are trying your best but I know deep inside that you are not ready to be in my position." He moved around them while Russia watched him, making sure that his lover is safe and he will not escape. "I had to do things, all things said was to break me. Just like any challenge, you must get through it."

He grabbed a pistol sword and pointed it at both of them, "And you are in my way." He jumped and was blocked by Russia which transformed his hand into crystallized claws. America pointed his gun at the president which he slashed his weapon at Russia which  he blocked every move. America jumped on Russia and grabbed his Glock 22 and started firing.

After an hour which felt like four hours, he got the upper hand and knocked Russia to his feet when America ran out of ammo. He laughed manically, "I liked to work with you but you just had to be a distraction. No last words because your just wasting my time." Before plunging his sword at Russia's neck, America used his last bullet to shoot a gas tank that soon exploded. Those spectating outside see the building exploding and collapsing.

As it everything dropped, everyone looked around, no one fighting. China and Japan went to the debris and searched around for the two lovers. When China walked to where the office is supposed to be, he felt free before seeing America being protected by Russia who protected him from the fall. They helped America to his feet once he woke up. "R-Russia?" He pushed China off and dropped to his knees, shaking Russia.

He started to pour out tears hoping it's not what he is thinking. Farther away, a hand shot up and pushed itself out. The president got up and soon dropped to the floor before his form warping to something else. Russia soon woke up looking at America crying. He wiped a tear off, "Why you must cry?" America smiled and hugged Russia as Russia hugged back. As the creature walked towards the crowd it gave a shriek before separating itself to three people.

The looked as the three people looked around to everyone staring at them. The one taller walked forward and said, "Please forgive us. We thought that if we combined we work better but it didn't help the city, it only drew families apart. After we inhaled the gas, we learned that it was best to work not combined as our bad side will be the dominant one that us. Please forgive us." They nodded.

Russia asked from the three, "Then what are your names?" The one slightly shorter replied, "The tall one is United Nation, I'm European Union, and the slightly shorter person here is Association of SouthEast Asian Nation." They slightly waved. China, Japan, Philippines, America, and Russia looked at each other before nodding, "You are forgiven." They all smiled as one of the soldiers walked towards them. "Dear Nations, I tried my best to protect you and I have failed." ASEAN sighed and put his hand on his shoulder, "NATO, you have done your job well and you are given a promotion."

NATO looked up at them, "R-really!?" EU nodded, "You are Commander-in-Chief and Commander in Secret Service." NATO hugged all three before the five countries looked around them as everyone dropped their weapons and peace took over the crowd.

Many years later, the walls where broken and those whose memories were wiped, they were returned and returned back to their family. As the three president promised, everyone was free and rights were given and punishments to those who broke the rights of others. All five gathered in a restaurant and talked. Russia and America become now husbands as Phili and Japan opened a school for martial arts for those who need to protect themselves.

China became a detective, which he enjoys. They talked about how their lives went on and smiled as all their work paid off and they all can rest. Although, they are called with the presidents to see if their rule implemented is best for the people. They watched as the day goes off peaceful and everyone happy to be together.

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