Part VII

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Belarus, if that was her name. Stood in front of us where people covering themselves with masks and some type of cloth.

"Please remove your mask so that we can see you."

The woman tried to pull it away but Belarus shoved me back.

"Respect.... Hijab."

The other woman removed her face mask and lightly shoved the woman.

"Respect the hijab."

"Ok, where did you find them?"

"Running from...... men."

She wore those farmers hat, I think that was called? Suddenly my guard carried me up and removed my disguise. Belarus just held her weapon. Damn that ShapeShifter did it again.


The woman removed her hat and the cloth covering her mask. Shit.

"Oh you Bobo."

She hit me thousand of times and Belarus raised me up in the air.

"Look I'm so sorry for cheating on you plus my dad even said so!"

"My брат vanted to do that because he thinks it's funny."

I crossed my arms.

"So Joe is gay?"

"Technically, I'm bi. Thanks to some hot guys asking me out. And ShapeShifter having some visits."

"Some playboy are you, Joe."

I blushed and Belarus puts me down with some girl that looks like ShapeShifters flag but has some black Eagle eyepatch on her eye. I thought it would be him but why would he come here. Well at least they handed me some food to eat while they chatted. I felt like an outcast around the women but on looked at me and giggled. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat.

"Hey sir~"

I looked to see one of them blushing. I motioned her to sit next to me.


"Well, the others heard about how close you are with the ShapeShifter."


She got up and shouted,


I chocked on it and everyone laughed.

"W-what? And also, we are just friends."



"Secretly in love but act like friends."

A loud knock came from the door and Phili went to open it.

"Cmon America, let's go...."

"I- wait, you big-"

He transformed into a bird and carried me off. I mumbled curse words as he carried me away.

He flew into his home. I looked around to see it was his room, a bedroom. Soon we started a hot make out, again. Damn, I never knew how much we would do this. Please let someone bust in or knock on the door. We stopped to breathe and man, he hot. He started kissing my skin and making marks. I let out a soft moan as he continued to kiss my skin.

"Enjoying it~"

"Fuck no"

"Say that and you'll say yes."

I smirked and said,

"Fuck no."


He removed all my clothes.

"Now we know who's top~"

"Fuck you"

"F-fuck me~!"

He pushed in without me knowing.

"Oh? What changed your mind~"

He licked my neck,

"Is it because your already enjoying it~"

He thrusted in and out. I felt tears coming out. Suddenly he stopped, he wiped off tears from my cheeks. We just stayed still and he licked my skin. I soon relaxed and I guess he felt it too. He slowly moved and I hugged his shoulders. He continued going slow and I moaned.

"F-faster~ please~"

He moved faster I moaned louder. He kissed me to shut me. This going to be for hours.

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