Part VI

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The bodyguard and America walked into the Northern zone, surprised that it was a Black Market.

"Hello and Welcome to the Black Market. Owned by the ShapeShifter."

America looked around until he faced with the two guards.

"Boss vants you....... therrre."

America followed the two guards until the stopped in front of the gates. America was told to move further, listening to what he was told, he did. He heard screams and someone chocking from liquid, he didn't want to find out and ran quickly. Til he bumped into someone.

"I am surprised that you've decided to visit me, Mr. America~"

"Cmon man, we're gonna have a chat with the buddy of yours, not here to ask you to try having sex in your house."

He rolled his eyes,

"Fine, at least she is a helpful person."


As ShapeShifter opened the door, a sleeveless, muscular woman sat on his sofa.

"This is my sister."

"Hello, you must be that Misterrr Amerikan that my брат has been talking about."

America of course didn't know what that word meant but he thought it might be brother.

"Well forgive about the people's accent and my little sister's, not everyone speaks English here."

"Eh, don't worry big guy, I can speak French and Spanish. It won't hurt to learn another new one."

The Shapeshifter moved his hands, signaling no need but his sis knew what his brother already did before he said anything.

"Yeah don't, sometimes it vill make сбивает с толку"

"Still don't understand but I can guess what it might be."

ShapeShifter looked at her sister and she giggled as she lead America to the dining table.

"My брат already told me your problem and don't worry, I can let you in. Just need to have the proper English accent, they'll be more confused."

America followed his sister into a worn down cabin. Behind were one of the guards of America and the rest were a bunch of women. America and the guard were told to wrap the clothing around their face. She opened the cabin to see a dug out hole there, and all jumped in.

Once jumping out of the other side, a huge wooden wall with a wooden gate covering the sunlight from them. Making a humongous shadow. She turned to look at America and his guard,

"I'll do the talking, no talking."

Both of them nod and she went to the gate. She slapped her entire fist on the door, knocking it three times.


"We are women. Seeking refuge."

A small tiny peek hole opened looking at her,

"Ah, Belarus, more women, come in."

A door opened, allowing them inside. It was like the place or the village is floating from an lake. The place seem beautiful. Colorful lights, people on boats with lights on it..... what is with me with lights. Okay, back to the story.

America had to be in character but he can't help but look around as it was a beautiful sight to see. The guard secretly snap some photos. Until they reached a big hut. Around it where people covering their faces.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now