Part XIX

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I hurriedly went to a table that is free from people. Russia just chuckled and sat in his seat. I read the menu and Russia just stared at me.


"Nothing, just you look adorable~"

My cheeks went red from what Russia said,

"Shut up"

"Alright then, Babe~"

I became silent but I was screaming inside and wanted to use his head to break the table. Russia smiled hearing no back talk from the American.

"Hello, my best-leader-friends!"

It was Edo and he slide next to me. I was surprised but well I shouldn't be, he owns the place though.

"Thanks to S.S., my place is booming!"

I looked at Russia,

"What did you do?"

"Just invited people in."

"With his killing spree too, many want to call it the 'Safe Haven'"

Soon the chef came to our table and gave us our food even though we didn't order yet.

"I know what you like and S.S.'s favorite dish here."

"Thanks!! Fo we need to pay you?"

"Oh no need, S.S. Already paid so yeah."

Once Edo left Russia ate his bowl of noodles, I stared at him.


"Someone's being a gentleman today~"

"I'm glad you like it babe~"


Russia laughed from my flirting to an angry person. I have no idea what you call it but yea. We continued to eat our food. Once finished, he stood up and lend his hand out,

"I'll show something that you might love."

I smiled and put my hand on his and he guided me outside. He led me to a small hill and it showed a beautiful view of the night sky. It was not just that, the moon was blue. I would joke right then there about 'Once A Blue Moon' idiom but I wasn't joking.

"It happens very very rare and it does kinda look amazing."

I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my personal phone and took a picture of it. He looked back at me and then sat down on the hill. I sat on the ground with him and laid my head on his shoulder. He put me on top of him and laid down soon after. I hugged him as both of us drifted to our sleep.

I woke up on my bed and Russia leaving a note saying:

'Hey, Америки

I'll be going to 'work' again. I'll comeback around midnight. Also, you might need to talk to the South again. Edo, and Philly will be there.

From, Россия'

Well honestly, I like it when he says is Russia accent. Shit, maybe I have a voice kink. I'll talk to Russia later. I walked down the hallway and told my brothers to prepare a car for me. Once arriving to where the car was waiting for me, my brother, Canada and New Zealand were waiting for me. I went in and my brothers soon after.

"Hey Bro!"

"Yea, Can?"

He showed me a photo of someone in the carnival, head decapitated, words written in blood.

"This isn't Greece?"

"Yea, so far, he's traumatized from it. He kept saying the 'Butcher' all over again and again."

"Must be someone chaotic."

"Like ShapeShifter?"

"He's not that chaotic."

"Plus any idea where the head went?"

"ShapeShifter has the answer, once we arrive, he'll tell us."

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