Part XV

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I woke up and tried to moved but felt something on my bu- did I do a pun.



"Can you pull it out?"

"Alright then princess~"

He pulled out and I got up and wore one of the formal attires that was placed for me. Russia licked the hickies and bites he made. Healing them as they are also ticklish. I went out to check out the guns that Kaz said that he sells.

"Hey Coffee!"

I looked at him waving and chuckled when I went towards him.


"Yeah like the Americano."

"Well you can call me that."

"Great, and check out the catch of the day."

"Isn't that for fish?"

"Yeah but check these guys out!"

I watched as he brought three guns out. One was like for fishing, the second was a gun with taser properties, the last was a normal gun. I got it and pointed it at a wall that was painted with a bullseye. I pointed my gun at it and it shot like a normal pistol. He wouldn't sell something like that. So I drop it and it turned to a machine gun and it like ten times or thirty. I grabbed the handle and it transformed to twin sub machine guns. Hitting the mark and it turned to a shot gun then a sniper gun. Soon after, it transformed to a normal pistol.

"Wow- that was awesome!"

"Every mafia leader must learn to use any weapon and guns of course."

"That's sounds interesting, so buying this?"

"Yeap, and how do you make it less obvious?"

"Oh, it can just turn to writing materials."

I looked around and pressed the button underneath which turned to a pencil.

"Hol up."

He got the pencil and dipped it to some liquid and handed it back to me.

"It's a coating material if it breaks outside. Some of our products do that when it leaves this area."

I waved a goodbye and head back to my car. I looked and some type of dragon like creature is watching me. Must be Russia unless all of his siblings transform just like him. I looked at the pen. I dunno why but I just looked at it. My mind went dirty and now, my gut and brain said to do this and that. 'Fucking America, don't think about it right now' I kept my composure when we arrived at home. I went towards my room and finished the paperwork piled on my desk. I tried to write on my pen, it actually does work like a normal pen. I smiled and continued to finish it. My brothers come in time to time to check on me. They even gave me some caffeine to make me active. After all of it, I laid on my bed and rolled the pen around. I twisted the pen and turned to vibrator. My sweat dropped from my forehead and my cheeks flushed.

"Okay..... I can do this."

I shoved the vibrator inside and grabbed the remote. I made the setting low and felt pleasure rising. As soon I heard a knock on the door, I turned it off and wore my pants back on.

"Hello Amerikan~"

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now