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I woke up with a headache and looked at my side to see Russia asleep. Wait a minute, what happened last night? His back was wrapped with bandages, that seemed to be bleeding. I guess that he went on his killing spree and got injured during that time.

I touched his injuries, making him grunt in his sleep. I got up, only to drop to the floor.

"You good there?"

I slowly looked up at Russia who just watched me from the bed.

"What do you think? You paralyzed my legs."

He smiled and carried me on his arms.

"You asked for it last night."

"What happened last night? Memory's fuzzy."

He sat me down on the chair near the bed. I watched as he is getting dressed. He then searched for my clothes.

"To put it straight forward, we had sex."

I rolled my eyes,


Russia stood up and placed my clothes on my lap,

"Then I left, and got attacked. Went back, bandaged myself. Then slept with you."

He carried me to put on my underwear on and then pants. I wore the suit he placed for me.

"Where are we going?"

He transformed to some creature and put me on his back.

"We are going to question the dude that trespassed my house."

He climbed out of the window and jumped on people's rooftops. He was very fast, it felt very new for me. Now I know how Phili and Edo feel when riding that cat and horse.

"You haven't felt like this?"

I slapped his head,

"What do you think? I always rode cars."

We soon arrived to China's police outpost. I got off of Russia, only to fall down. Russia picked me up, bridal style. God I hate it when he carries me like this. We entered in, seeing China puffing smoke from his cigar. He turned to see us,

"Looks like someone's been taking vitamin 'D'"

I rolled my eyes as Russia placed me on a seat nearby. Greece went in the station. Looks like he got better.

"That's the guy you gave me some trauma."

He ran but was held down by the officers and China himself. Maybe he wasn't really better. China went back to us, fixing himself.

"We questioned him earlier. He called himself, Yemen."

Edo laughed,

"Like 'Ya Meeennn!'"

Everyone started complaining about his joke.

"Alright alright, I'll stop it."

Yemen threw a drink on the window for us to see.

"Let me the fuck out!"

China fast walked to the room he was in. Chine entered in and slammed the door behind him.

"Why did you attack the areas here?"

He only rolled his eyes,

"It was an accident and I won't mind killing one more."

He slammed his fist on the table.

"What makes killing five, then intruding to someone's home an 'accident'?"

"I just wanna get home."

"Where is your home?"

"Your so called Center is my home."

He crossed his arms. He sat down on the chair, getting a cigarette. Lighting it up, and handing on to Yemen.

"Don't smoke. I already quit the habit."

They both sat there and he got out of the room. He walked towards us.

"If we believe him, then he must've came here for a reason why we are here."

He knocked on the glass,

"I am part of a rebellion in the center. I believe all of you guys there used to be part of it but got your memories wiped."

China pressed the button making him see all of us.

"Not everyone's memories were wiped. Some just lost hope like Ru- Shapeshifter."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now