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Fucking Russia broke my ass. He left a note about leaving for some meeting and it is making me sulky I guess. I just wanted to stay still for the whole god damn day. No meetings, no going out somewhere, nothing. My bro's are fine with me staying at home in bed. They know how much my research can get into my head for awhile. Well, ShapeShifter was in my head for a while. I drank the whiskey bottle next to me. Finishing it up as Aussie came in with some reports.

"Weird but someone is killing our guards from a carnival."

I rubbed my temples and grabbed a cigar, lighting it and puffing smoke.

"So you're saying that there some killer circus or carnival around here that's killing people?"

"Probably bro, probably."

"Well, I'll check it tomorrow, I'll rest in the comfort of these blankets and the softness of the bed."

He smiled as he left the room. I sighed and tried making shapes from the smoke, out of boredom.

"Did I really break you that much?"

"Yes you did, furbrain!"

Shapeshifter crawled in my room and laid down next to me. Grabbing the cigar and throwing it outside.


"It will cause cancer and stop smoking."

I coiled myself with blankets and looked away from him. I heard him sigh and put his arms around me.

"Get some rest, you've got a killer circus going around."

"How did you know about that?"

"Your not the only one dealing with it."

"Right, ok."

"Well, goodnight America."

"Umm goodnight, ShapeShifter."

"Actually, call me Russia."


I landed on my home and see the reports of deaths from the carnival or circus from the south. I looked at the other places, they too have the same problem as me. Too bad they don't know what they are facing against. A serial killer, corrupted military captain, the leader of the samurais, the best warrior, and a mafia boss. I checked my systems of each leader and they all gave the same plan, head to the South, tomorrow. I won't mind to join in them, because it's technically a leader party and second, they'll be seeing all the leaders and probably those guys will give them a warning but I'll kill ten of their friends for warning. My phone buzzed from my desk, why would America call right now. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey Russie..."

"First time someone called me that."

"Shut up! I'm tired and I've checked about the killings."


"Are you gonna check it out tomorrow?"

"Well, I've heard that all leaders of each land are gonna pay them a visit and probably give a warning to not mess with them."


"Yeah, tomorrow, just bring your guards or brothers along with you. To make you look more menacing to them."

"Thanks for the advice Russia, well goodnight."


I turned off my phone smiled at the American's number. Writing it down and looking back at the screen to see how the black market is going. I shut it all off and laid at my bed. It feels cold, missing the warmth from America. I'll see him tomorrow with the others. And teach those guys a lesson or two.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now