Part III

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America enjoyed his time with Edo. He was even invited me to his home. He wore armor that looked heavy for him but he withstand all the pressure from the armor.

"Do wanna see my home?"

I nodded. Feeling a bit excited to see his home. Not that I'll bomb his home. I'll steal some of his weapons. The guards outside stopped my brothers from entering.

"This is for precautionary measures. I can only trust Mr. America."


He walked away as I continued following behind him. Paintings were covering the walls in the wall. They were photos of a family. It looks like they were wearing Kimonos? Not sure. I think he's Japanese since most of the interior is a Japanese style or something like that. We entered a room which seems to be an office. He shut the door behind him and sat on a pillow in the floor. Same as me, not to be rude to him. He slowly removed his helmet.

He had a scar around his eye and some on his face.

"The reason why I hide behind a mask. Wearing a mask makes you strong but deep inside, holds the fear and past. The reason why I let my guards wear these types of masks as well."

I sat still and listened to what he was saying. Probably my mind went away for a few minutes until I see a familiar shadow. Once I blinked, it was gone. I looked at Edo, or Japan. That's what he was called. I heard gun shots and me and Japan went outside to check but the figure dropped down. It was Котенок. He held a broken glass to Japan's neck.

"Are you hurrt?"

I shook my head. I looked to see that there were holes but they aren't bleeding. He turned to look at Japan.

"You still owe Boss, ten grand after making him build those helmets to look futuristic."

He nodded and Котенок looked at me and gave me something. I looked at him, he wasn't there. Japan checked his neck if it bleed or something. I looked at what he gave to me and it was a small gold nugget. I smiled and went out to my brothers, holding their guns out. They pulled me to the car and drove off.

"What did he do to you?"

Canada said as he checked my clothing to see if they're any scratches on me.


"Well at least, S.S. didn't do anything bad to you."

"Whose that?"

Australia looked at me and said,

"ShapeShifter is one of the most deadly serial killer that any one knows."

"He is also the leader of the North, known for the big BlackMarket there."

"Officials are afraid to enter there because of him. And his guards."

These guys are trying to frighten me. But I'm confident that he won't scare me quickly like those cowards. Once arriving back home, I changed my clothes to wearing shorts and no shirt. Basically topless. Got into bed and started to drift to sleep. A door closed and I looked up to see one of the servants going towards me.

"Girl? Please move away."

"How rude of you calling me a girl,Малы́шка"

That's when the girl changed to Котёнок.

"How rude, Малышка."

When he moved closer, I moved backwards.

"What's wrong?"

"Y-you're the ShapeShifter."

"You got my nickname but not my real name."

He turned to his flag? Maybe, not sure. It was white, blue and red. I said that in order. He teleported on top of me and I blushed.

"P-please leave me alo-"

And our lips connected.

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