Part XXI

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America shifted uncomfortably on his seat. He watched Russia, well, watching him. Russia sighed and looked at his phone. America opened his mouth and shut it immediately. He didn't what to say in his awkward position.

"Well what do you wanna talk about?"

America looked at Russia's eye.

"I don't know....."

Russia smiled and sat next to him. Canada watched through the mirror what his unfolding. A window showing to the back where they sat. Russia rested his hand on his shoulder and crossed his legs.

"Well what are your plans this weekend?"

America scoffed and removed Russia's hands off his shoulder.

"Doing more paper work. Other things what would make a Mafia Boss busy. Why taking me out somewhere?"

Russia hummed. America looked at the window seeing Canada watching Russia if he is doing something bad to his own brother.

"Yea probably."

He rested his hand in the same place as before. Russia looked at where America was looking, which Canada closed the window. Russia chuckled at looked at the American.

"Are this walls sound proof?"

"I think they are except the windo-"

Russia locked the window and kissed America aggressively. In which America kissed back in the same manner. The entire car became dark. Russia knowing that they in the tunnel knew he had to finish this quickly.

"We have to this quickly."

America only nodded.

Once arriving to the building where the meeting is held. Canada only knocked in the window outside, telling them that they have arrived. America got out of the, kind of exhausted. Russia as well and New Zealand stopped Russia as he watched America walk to the guards and giving up his gun and the knives he has on him.

"Whatever you are with my bro, I support you going out with him. And I know what the hell you did there. I'm warning you that if you hurt my brother, in anyway. I'll hunt you down. Don't think I know your weaknesses."

Russia nodded and New Zealand let Russia walked away. Entering in, they saw Edo or as we can call now, Japan, arguing with one of the people there. The guards held their knives but Russia stopped them from continuing.

"That's enough Edo, be happy I didn't let the guards here to kill you."

Edo mumbled something and walked towards the building where the meeting was held. Walking in the building, Philippines was already waiting. Just sitting in the chair, feet on the table. They held out a small box and played it,

"What took you guys such a long time?"

"Edo made a scene and Shapeshifter stopped the guards from killing him."

Russia sat down on a random seat. Which America sat next to him. Russia did a quick smile, a smile enough for America to see. Edo sat next to Russia. Seeing that both are opposites but friends. So, opposites attract? Edo talked about his problems which made Russia annoyed with him. Until China arrived and sat down on the spare seat left for him. Everyone just watched him heaving and suddenly stand and played something in the projector.

"Alright, someone's killing people left and right-"

"Front and back!"

They all stared at Edo.

"What? I'm bored and you know I act childish when I have a chance."

China rolled his eyes,

"Anyways, we don't know who did this. All we know his that they have wrote a secret message that my crew are still deciphering the message. All we know that they have some weapon that can be only found in center. It is possible that they came from there, brought the weapon, and started a war with us, outsiders."

Phil got the box and played,

"So what do you want us to do?"

"What I want all of you guys to do, is simple. Look for anyone who looks suspicious and bringing a weapon that aren't found here. Now we are dismissed."

China quickly went out the door. Leaving only four countries processing the event that are about to unfold.

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