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While heading towards Russia's other father, America was just astonished with Russia's family as you don't really see two ex- war veterans who fought against each fall in love and a half brother who dates a Genderfluid girlfriend.

"So yeah, we agreed that she just tells me what gender that she prefers and it will be until two months until she changes."

"Huh? That's kinda cool." America said as he scoots over Russia who sat next to his dad. His dad woke up and looked at Russia, "Hey kiddo... are you okay?" Russia laughed, "I think you should ask to yourself. And look who came here to see you." He looked at his other side,

"Third?" He smiled and hugged him, "I saw what you did. I am very proud of you. I mean, not this, but protecting your son." Both of his fathers kissed and America felt a bit disgusted.

"We kiss a lot and you like at the-"

"Yes I know, I'm still not used to anyone kissing." Russia rolled his eyes. "Now who is this friend that you brought here?" America shook his hand, "America, Russia part time boyfriend."

Russia shoved him and glared at him. His father laughed.

"Your boyfriend is funny, I like the relationship that you two have." America blushed, "That's nice to hear sir." He smiled.

Soon his father was able to get out of bed after a few hours and treated Russia's boyfriend and the rest of his family for lunch.

Germany brought his boyfriend to lunch. All of them eating lunch their parents house, away from the protests. "I am proud of what you did, standing up for what is right." Russia smiled and America internally laughed.

"You Poland?" America asked at the person sitting next to Germany.

"Yeah, and you are?" America's eye twitched. "I am one of the protesters, America." "Oh the so called, Great America." Both Russia and Germany just stared at the situation.

"Now let us not fight." Third said as he enters in the table with food placed on the table.

America got a scoop of the food placed on the table. Poland just glared at him in silence. "Now the tension is out of the room, how are things doing. Besides what happened now."

Third started blabbering about Soviet and him constantly fighting and other things.

America sighed and Russia massaged his arm, making him comfortable with his surroundings.

America looked outside from the window and Poland entered in the room. "Hey, uuhhh... sorry about earlier. Just frustrated with what is going on."

America smiled quickly, "I know, so it's understandable."

Poland stood next to him. "So how did Germany react to you telling him you are Genderfluid?" America asked. Poland rubbed  the back of his neck, "Well, he found out about my mood changed and me not wearing 'girly' outfits."

America nodded. "So did he?"

Poland shook his head, "He was confused at first then soon accepted who I am. So to not get confused, we decided to have the change of gender after two months."

Before America could say anything, Russia called him.

About leaving for a new protest in front of the building.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now