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"Well these are the rebellions outside.."

A girl with tattoos, mostly dragons lead them inside and quickly closed the door before anyone spotted their hideout. Entering inside, they saw many teens and at least two adults doing... well, whatever they think is fun.

"Hello, I am Bhutan, and welcome to the rebellions secret hideout!"


Japan removed his helmet, already feeling tired from the heavy metal. People gathered to meet the guests brought by Yemen who seems to be hydrating himself. Russia was slowly being pushed aside while America watched as his lover was being drowned by people talking to him. This made him feel jealous as he slithered himself through crowd and hugging Russia's waist. Russia wasn't fazed from what America did but only continued. He looked a bit to see the American grip on harder from before.

He pushed through the crowd while carrying the American on his back. Finally alone, both started making out,

"Feeling alone and jealous~"

"S-shut up"

Russia smiled and continued the make out session. While China, Japan, and Philippines stayed in a map room talking to Bhutan and Yemen.

"So have the map of the entire thing?"

Bhutan handed China a map of the facility.

"We were planning to raid the facility but it is heavily guarded and Yemen decided to run out to look for you guys."

Phili went to a room full of weapons, testing one of the swords, a wavy sword.

"What are you doing with my sword, inday?"

She turned to see it was her brother, Martial. She went to hug him, missing him so much.

"I miss you too. When I heard that he brought guests I had to go see who it was and I saw you standing there."

"Kuya, how did you find the Kris?"

He chuckled and swung the sword,

"I found it in an auction, people disrespecting the sword. I shouted at them but only beating me up."

Phili only scoffed,

"If they saw me, they would run away, bleeding."

Martial roughed her hair up,

"I know, I was protecting you with Kuya remember?"

She turned to him and asked,

"Oh how is Kuya Pilar?"

Martial rubbed his head,

"He is fine, just trying to protect me and getting rid of any evidences of me being in the crime."

"I wish to see him again, I miss seeing the family again."

A knock on the door was heard and they looked to see Japan,

"Aw it is a very cute moment but sorry to ruin it but we have a raid that we planning."

Martial grabbed the Kris but gave Phili a different sword, not wavy and short just like his.

"Here is yours, much better than using Arnis."

She looked at the sword, a Kampilan. She smiled as she walked out the room with her brother. They entered a room where everyone seemed to change clothes while Japan was given a lighter armor than his old one but can cover any part of the body that can be recognizable.

"Looks like you guys seem to be getting comfortable here."

Russia and America seemed to look away, America blushing. Japan and Phili soon notice their clothes not properly worn, his tie being untied. Bhutan showed them a map,

"This is an auction facility, from there we can either steal the money or cause mayhem, making us known again."

Everyone nodded in the room.

"Good, now let's prepare disguises and weapons to deal with."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now