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I looked at my three other leaders or friends. But I guess that Warrior, doesn't like to talk much. I looked at America and S.S. They seem to have fun around there. Warrior and I just stared at them.

"They seem to have a blast with each other."

Warrior nodded their head with agreement. They played that small voice box in her hand,

"They are kinda cute with each other."

I chuckled and rested my back to the nearby wall as Shapeshifter grabbed America. Both of them whispered something to each other and America grabbed Shapeshifter's hand and lead somewhere. I don't wanna know what they're gonna do.

That was very good of you, Edo.

Thanks, I'm very good with my memory-

Or you have it in a chip somewhere.

Shut up man, At least I did it better than you.

You son of a-

Alright that's enough, as punishment, I'll make this story 3rd POV in two chapters, Deal?


Great and starting now

3rd POV

After a few minutes of fun in the bathroom, Russia helped America up from their little fun. Both of them hoped that none of the leaders heard them or saw them.

"You guys together or this just to take out stress?"

They both turned to see Philippines and Japan leaning on the wall. Well Japan was busy reworking his armor since the colors were fading.


"Just answer the question."

"So you guys are sex partners than lovers?"

"No, we are lovers but we enjoy the sex more than the dating."

Both Philippines and Japan nodded their heads in a agreement.

"Alright then, just try to cover your mouth deeper."

"We can still hear it, and damn, can you not do it too hard to, we'll know what the hell you guys are doing."

They left bathroom soon after both of them blushed from embarrassment.

"So no more public sex?"

America slapped Russia's face.


"We can still do it and we'll take their advice."

Before America went out,

"Oh yeah, the answer of Philis question was both."

Walking out while fixing is tie. Russia splashes water on his face to cool his face down from his face turning red. As he went out, he saw China talking to America and was fumbling something.

"Anyways, nice talking to you.."

He waved nervously to Russia and fast walked to the exit. He crossed his hands and America was putting a cologne on his suit and himself.

"What's wrong~"

"Shut it"

"Ha, what did that Chinese officer said?"


"Yeayea, answer the question."

"I smelled like sex and I played it cool and said I masturbated from some stuff."

Russia could only laugh then smile from the angry and upset looking American. And rubbing his hair.

"Hey, we just have a nice bath in the hot tub and-"

America cut Russia off,

"No sex. Just a nice warm. Bath in the hot tub. Deal?"

Russia mumbled something and then nodded.

"Good, at least they all left."


America rolled his eyes,

"The two left after they commented about your 'fun' then you saw China fast walking to the exit."

"Oh yeah...."

"Your house or building is so big."

"I made it as a maze so that no killers know where my room and personal belongings are."

"Wish I had that."

"If you get lost, luckily, I chipped my room and I have a scent there."

"You are so weird."

"I'm not weird. I'm just weird for you~"

America coughed and chased after Russia who transformed to a cat and ran to the hallway.

"I feel like a child now."

"You are one"

"Shut up."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now