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America deepened the kiss when Russia tried to pull away. Russia soon didn't care and pushed to America. He removed America's sleeping outfit, leaving him in his underwear. They stopped to get air and they both at each other in the eyes.

"Where were you?"

"Doing my killing spree and being chased by China's officers."

He kissed America's skin and made hickeys.

"Oh, it was a month or two since we had this~"

Russia chuckled as America removed his shirt.

"It was just weeks ago."

"Mhm, doubt that. It felt like months to me."

"Your brother found me and told me about you. So I went here quickly as I can."

America smiled pushed Russia down to the bright blue carpet. Now he didn't care if there was blood, what mattered to him was having sex with his boyfriend that disappeared to only return when his brother found him and did some pep talk to him. America was hovering over Russia's member. As Russia wanted to get up, America only pushed him down.

"Your not in charge, I am."

He licked the blood off the side of the Russians face. He directly sat on his dick which made Russia groan from how tight it was. America went up and down right away which surprised Russia a lot. He never seen this side of America but it was good too.

After while, which America came three times, Russia finally came and America laid his head on Russia's collarbone. Russia kissed his forehead and America looked at him. Russia sighed,

"I'm still sorry for leaving you"


He hugged Russia weakly,

"I still forgive you. Just tell me next time when you need to work"

Russia just smiles and cuddles him till he falls asleep.

"You better take a bath in the morning."

"Yea yea, okok."

America woke up to hear the shower running. He didn't want to disturb Russia after all, he was covered in cum and blood. He sighed and said,

"Fuck it..."

He went inside and threw his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and went next to Russia.



"What are you doing?"

"Having a bath silly, I'm covered with blood and mine and your cum from last night."

Russia chuckled and America thought he saw Russia blush but he isn't the guy to blush so easily. He cleared his throat to get my attention,

"Anyways, I'm wondering if you wanna come to dinner with me. Tonight. Just the two of us"

America got his phone that he placed near the shower and the bathtub and there is none shown about any meeting. He rubbed Russia's bare chest.

"Sure, I'll go with you. And let's have a bath in the Bathtub~"

Russia raised an eyebrow about what he said.

"You'll know why, ShapeShifter~"

"Don't tell me you love...... like shower sex?"


"Alright then. You ride me for this one~"

"As you wish~"


Edo or Japan recommended me his best known restaurant. I just found out that he loves sushi and totally make him enjoy this date. After awhile, America walked in with a causal outfit. Maybe just to not be recognized in the crowd.

"Let's start the date"

"Sure and I'm dying to try their sushi"

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now