Part XI

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First of all, you suck at narrating the story.

At least I just started the story other than you guys fighting who will.

Now be quiet! It's my turn. The true narrator!

—3rd POV—

All the leaders ate lunch together as they talked about themselves. Well except for Pip, who ate with curtains closed in the room next to them. They chatted for awhile as America gives side glances at Russia who ate in a table far away.

"You like Shapey, don't ya~"

"W-what!? Nope."

He heard Russia giggling at him.

"Cmon, go talk to him."

"He's just gonna stab you in that back."

They turned to look at China.

"Literally and Not."

"Well, can you guys leave us alone. I mean the Warrior left already so can you guys like leave me alone with him?"

Edo and China nodded and left. He turned to see Russia already near him.

"That was adorable of you."

"Shut it, Ruski!"

"A cute nickname you got their for me."

America covered his face.

"Well, I actually do like and...."

"Of course we can have a date. But I have the right place to have a date~"

"Isn't this close enough, dumb dumb."

Russia looks around and smiles.

"Oh yea...... Since we ate, we could head back to your place and tell everyone that you've made peace between me."

"Well yea, I hope my siblings won't mind. They have a huge hate on you. And well I've gotta say your real name a lot."

"Not in front of your brothers and the citizens in yours. It's best that only you say it. And everyone always hate on me since I kill any random person."

"Are you asking me to have sex with you or something?"

"Are you turned on?"

Both went silent as Russia took his drink. After finishing his drink in a drinking glass, I blushed and looked at America.

"What did you do?"

"Oh? Will you chatted with me, I slipped, something fun in you drink."

"Why? Are you horny all of a sudden?!"

"I got the hint about going home, because you are some shy person, Shapeshifter~ So we can head back. I can give you a permission to kill one of my weak guards that my brothers brought."

"Charming, but I'm already better."


"You can give me some when we head back."

America rolled his eyes as Russia leaped off from a window nearby. As soon as he left, his brothers went in to see his brother drinking.

"Ready to leave Bro?"


As America went out, he saw the one weak guard with him. He knew it was Russia.

"Can I bring him inside with me while you guys just stay in front?"


"Cmon, I'm not a baby. I can be prepared from some danger."

Canada sighed and went in the front along with New Zealand. Him and the disguised Russia sat in the back together.

"When can I turn back to your handsome boyfriend?"

"Later and who says your handsome~"

"Hhmm, when you look at me, you always blush so that means I'm handsome."

"Pfft- yea right."


Russia rubs his nape,

"I'm your type."

It made America cough and Russia grin.

"W-what? No way!"

"You might old men, like a sugar daddy."


"Having the strong muscles and abs, a whole six pack."

"You know wha-"

"And having a voice change. Like my accent when we first met, it was deep."

America couldn't argue anymore and sat quietly.

"So I am right?"

America ignored Russia's question. He was soon carried and put on his lap.

"Even though you are on this type of body, you are strong."

"Who says I'm weak?"

They soon arrived back to America's home. As expected, America drugged his drink.

"Now shall we continue~

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