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America fixed himself as Russia sat next to him in the car. He felt nervous with no reason. Russia looked at the Russians face for a moment before quickly looking away from him.

"What is wrong America?"


"You are cute when you are nervous."

America became silent. Russia leaned close to his ear and whispered,

"Want another deal there? Between you and me?"

"What is it?"

"I can give you the weapons you need and the materials I need, or-."

"We are here Mr. America."

Russia smiled as it seems that he teleported out of the car as the entered the gate. The car stops in front of the two guards going towards the car.

"He...... get out."

America fixed his suit as he got out of the car and threw his weapons inside the car. He pulled his pocket in and out to get their approval. They looked at each other and nodded, allowing him in. It wasn't his first time in though but he doesn't know the geometry of the place, I mean that some buildings are wavy and some are small like the markets, you get what I mean. As he walked around he bumped into one of the merchants selling there.

"Hey alright there?"

Some person with a sky blue flag with a eagle somewhat carrying the sun on its  back. He had golden wings which America would want his hands on it for a profit but probably his par- I mean his brothers.

"I'm good, sorry, just admiring the place."

"Oh, you most be a leader from the-"

He snapped his fingers before pointing at him quickly?

"The Southeast, Mafia location thingy!"

America sighed and contained his laughter,

"Yea, the Mafia Thingy."

"That's what I call it plus my brother is looking for you. I'll lead to my brother."

Must be Russia's brother America thought and followed him to the center house. He pushed the door and it lead to Russia on a office table, looking at the gear America gave to him before.

"Real gold, wasted away, what is wrong with those people."

Russia turned to see his brother resting his arm on America's shoulder.

"What are doing here Kaz?"

"Why just leading the poor, lost tourist around the castle."

America pushed his arm away but was quickly put back by Kaz. Russia gave a death glare at Kazakhstan who smiled at his glare.

"Welp, call me America if you wanna me to make a gun or some other weapon."

He kissed America in the lips and Russia gripped the paper he held as he watched his brother kissing his lover. They pulled away and a string of saliva connected them. He waved goodbye as America froze on confusion on what just happened. Russ became full on jealous and he grabbed America and laid him on his desk. America was still confused until he was brought back from reality as Russia collided his lips on his. America deepened the kiss and it soon became a make-out session. They pulled away as America stared lustfully at Russia.


"Shut up."

"Aw, Russie is-"

Before he continued his sentence, Russia grounded his knee on the American's erection.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"Shut the fuck up and continue what you started."

"I'm in charge not you~"

"Oh I fucking forgot."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now