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They entered back to the base, doing some stretching as they didn't do that for a long time. The others did as well, smiling at least they made it out unlike from before but only injuries.

America got down and did warped bandages where bullets went through. At least blood only dropped on Russia's back. He was a furry beast so he watched as Russia's white smooth hair covered with dropped of blood.

America smirked and followed Russia towards the bathroom while Martial and Phili talked to each other, not seeing each other for a long time. Some are getting to know one another and staying on the living room waiting for them appearing to the news.

Soon after, everybody gathered in the living room, America and Russia changed and huddled together. Everybody know that they can't live without fucking with each other time to time. They watched as the News broadcasted their movement. The cheered and smiled as they were shown. Soon the president of the city, UN calmed the public down that they will fix the issue just like every other.

He looked at the camera and said, "If these people responsible are watching, turn yourself in. Whatever thing you are doing is not helping us." He smiled and they shut off the TV.

Bhutan threw her snack at the Tv out of fury. "What the fuck! They aren't even fazed at all. So what!? We burn down the entire plaza so that they can finally open some Justice!?" Russia massaged her shoulder, "We do something so that the public takes our side. We get the majority of their attention, not all as some want to keep the life they currently have."

Bhutan got a plan, "Russia you are a genius." Russia looked confused from what she said and ran towards Yemen and China. Although Russia started the revolution, he focused more to his lover which he takes his stress out of him. America is not complaining, in fact, he enjoys it.

Both Yemen and China agree of the plan and sets Japan and Phili to head out and video what lives outside the walls their government has put up. Russia on the other hand, entered into some "dark places" and encountered hidden dealings of the president to the enemy. Russia chuckled and entered to the darkest corner to hide.

Each returned back with the recording and Bhutan, leader of the current raid group added her voice in the video while it is still editing. Germany was editing the video. "So Germs how was Pops?" Germany sighed, "Never seen him for a while, probably drunk somewhere and forgot about me." Russia gave voice reassurance. He turned towards Russia, "We need a video of you, great leader."

Russia was dragged out and gave out a speech,

"Our group originally didn't want to ruin every monument built by the government, but none didn't hear our cries for a change, only dismissing them as nothing as a fly. You made families broken, right's destroyed, and dreams of others broken... but you only wanted, what? Power. Those who were against you were thrown here, memories wiped, believing of a world that you have created for them. You ruined those who lived for centuries to watch the lives you ruined behind these walls. This will change, once everyone who worship as a protector will side for us against this corruption. Join us, to see families reunite, rights seen, and your dreams to come true. From what you said Sir President, We are revealing ourselves. Now it's time for you to come clean."

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