Part XX

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I waited for America to arrive here. I didn't realize that I. I found the head of the that victim. It was interesting actually that I found it. China kept staring at it. I raised a brow,

"Sorry but I feel bad for that poor dude..."

"Well if your a killer, you'll get used to it."

"You mean a psycho."

I glared at him but a black car pulled up. America got out of it and went the body.

"Any idea where the head went?"

I threw the head next to him. He jolted from the head rolling over next to him.

"Found near the barrier which I believe was someone tried to frame me but saw the guards and ran away once seeing them."

America patted my chest and looked at the cut.

"Looks like some super tool was being used to cut the head off, look."

China and I looked, the spine cut like some magic tool was being used.

"Well the only tools that can cut like that is found in the center. No one has this tool or weapon found here."

"Unless they came from there but thrown here."

China gulped from my idea and America was confused. Well no one knows how you get here, all you know is that you're thrown here, brainwashed on where those rich, drunk bitches live. Just by exposing how corrupt they are then you're outta there. That's what I've heard.

"What about this? I'll call all the leaders to find someone recent that left the center. Then we ask questions, if he wasn't brainwashed. And then find the info to get inside and raid that motherfucker of a president there."

Both me and America nodded and he talked in his cell.

"Well that makes you stop your killing spree, right?"

I nodded.

"Just for this investigation. I mean, if they brought a weapon. Would they just take the weapon away from you and leave you here, empty handed."

"Unless they forgot."

"They wouldn't. The reason why this hellhole is poor while theirs so rich."

America just hummed and I watched as China put his cell away and walked towards us.

"Looks like we need a meeting. Some of us might not know what the hell it actually looks like."

"And have any DNA samples of what the guy might look like?"

"Or girl?"

China and I looked back at America.

"Why would you think it would be a girl?"

"Well, if it's a girl. Then it would've read what we thought. It's a boy. She might be even running around having it in her hands at this very moment."

"Well did Greece see the killer by any chance?"

"I'll take to him once he sobers up from his panic thingy thingy. I forgot what he said but yeah."

China went towards on of the tents as the officers took some photos and some things in the crime scene.

"So, any idea where it would be held?"

"Well, it mostly held at mine. No guns, and stuff like that. So your technically safe."

America nodded,

"Well what if we head there now?"

I checked my broken, cracked phone. China sent the message earlier and looks like he wants to tell everyone as soon as possible. So we'll meet up in four hours. So we can head there now.

"Yeah, let's go."

America nodded and ushered me in his car as he let his brothers drive to the North.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now