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Loud music blasted out of the auction building. Everyone dressed formally got out and waited for the most amazing and beautiful artifacts shown and betting on it. Black trucks arrived in the back of the building. One of them is where our rebels are currently hiding.

Ten pretending to be the movers and the rest are hidden in the big fake items. Boxes were carelessly dropped, not hurting those inside as they wore safety gear for this. Soon everyone left, all those hidden got out of their hiding spots. Wearing the suits and gowns prepared from them by the ten.

Walking in the crowd, drinking and gossiping what would be the talk in the town, or city I suppose. America and Russia were warned about not showing their love to one another as it will blow their cover. But hey, doesn't mean that they can have some of their fun in secret, no cameras around.

America fixed his suit, being crumpled from their little make out session. He looked over to see Russia surrounded by women. Made him jealous but he had to stay in character. If he asked them to be a hooker/ girlfriend of Russia maybe they will budge, but it's just another embarrassment in the memory list. Plus Russia won't stop groping under his dress.

So make it two problems that he doesn't want. He looks at one of the girls who kissed him but he can tell Russia feels disgusted by it, he just can't blow their cover. The sale soon started, the person on stage shouted with glee about the items shown. Everyone moved near the stage while Japan and China moved next to the people moving while America was pushed into a dark corner by Russia. He kissed America deeply, making America moan on the kiss.

They pulled away, "Just needs to remove her breath and taste from my mouth." America felt love sick, tried to wrap his arms around his neck but pulled away when people started betting on the objects shown. They sat next to each other, Russia putting his hand on his thigh.

As the auctioneer, shouted numbers and 'Sold!' To all the products sold. They soon prepared the code word that he will soon say. Martial from the far side, next to Phili. Both slowly drew their swords as he said, "The Gent on aisle twenty ei-" Soon they drew their guns, destroying the fake items that were gonna be sold.

The auctioneer shouted in disappointment from his items being destroyed. Guards rushed in but knocked out by Martial and Phili's swords. Some brought out their guns and shot at those in there. Martial blocked the bullets coming at him and pushed Phili down to cover as more bullets rained in the area.

Russia transformed, his skin thick that no bullet can pass through. He roared, ripping one of the officers in half, blood dripping on his face. Some ran from him and others continued to shoot. America went behind one of the officers, breaking his arm and shooting the rest who ran away. They all ran out, America patting Russia that they need to leave.

He agreed and both left, America riding on Russia's back as they entered one of their exits.

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now