Part XII

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I think Russia just broke my ass. Well, at least I can walk. Wait a minute- does that mean he-

"What are you thinking about?"

"Uuhhh, nothing!"

He gave me small pecks on my mouth and cheek.

"Hmm, right."

"Plus you told your brothers about me right?"

"And your 'real' flag color yeah."

He chuckled as he drank coffee. I have a small coffee maker in my room because I stay in my room more and need something to energize me for work.

"One thing also...."


"You can't kill my people if you wanna break the rules."

"What about weak ones, you don't really care if I kill them."

I moved my head to the side and back at him.

"Yea, only the weak ones."

"Oh and so that it won't be suspicious, can I at least kill two strong ones."

"Why is that?"

"There won't be weak ones to kill in yours anymore and I might end it....."

"Alright fine. Only two and the rest is weak ones."

My brother, Canada watched Russia like a hawk.

"So why did you decide to become buddies, ShapeShifter?"

"As to point it out, Dear Canada, he has the materials I need and I have the weapons that your Mafia leader/ brother needs."

"Ok then."

"Bro, can you, just leave the two of us alone."

"Fine, but if you try to kill my brother, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Alright then."

As Canada walked off the room, I heard a chair moving close to. Russia got the sandwich I made for myself. He ate it and stared at me from my disbelief,

"What? Your sandwich looks delicious."


"The mayo tastes so good."

"What a minute- are you-"

"The meat is cooked to perfection, it feels like I can't get enough of this."

"Are you horny?"

He acted shock from my answer,

"What! No way. Your the horny one. Suggesting this."

He chuckled.

"If that is how you did then-"

I put my foot in his inner thigh, near his dick. He sighed a bit.

"Don't start it, American."

"Mm? Why?"

I started teasing him under the table as he sighed and groaned. I went under the table and crawled between his legs.


I felt my pants loosen and his tongue licking and kissing my dick. Soon after, he started sucking it. I leaned back and my head hanging. The pleasure is too much. He moved back and forth. I couldn't help it and pushed him to my base and face fucked him. I felt hitting the back of his throat. Damn, he is good. I felt close and pushed him back to my base as I came in his throat. I looked down to see him tearing up and wiping his mouth from some of my cum escaping. After zipping my pants back up, I carried him and put him on my lap. I wiped of the tears off his cheeks and kissed him.

"Was I to hard on you?"

"A bit but it was worth it."

"Well we could try it again, if you want."

"Some other time, besides you needed weapons so I need to take you to the Black Market."

"Oh yeah. I'll prepare a car to head there."

Dangers of Love (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now