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Frank: Nice to see you again, pussycat.

Viv: Thanks. I wish I could say the same, Comrade.

Kitty: *stumbling through her portal, clutching a bottle of New Orleans bourbon, peacock feathers fluttering in her hair, her multicoloured mardi gras beads jingling - a crowd of people and streams of confetti belt out from the other end of the portal. She blearily raises a hand and attempts a wave / salute* Yo...

Frank: I take it you needed a break.

Viv: *rolls her eyes*

Kitty: Back to back chapters of this shit makes me wanna take a bath in lactic acid.

Viv: Right. So... Why are we here exactly?

Kitty: Wally requested you *slurs as she hooks her thumb over towards Frank - then collapses next to her stool, licking her parched lips* Mmmm... *briefly lost in a highly inappropriate fantasy* Oh! And I bring guests.

Frank:... Huh?

~a fresh portal tears open, and a familiar duo enter. Imposing Neo and lanky Onslaught. His straw hat was singed but he seemed pretty relaxed for someone whose entire nervous system functioned at 300% capacity~

Viv: Howdy.

Frank: *glances at Kitty, confused* I hope you're sober enough to know what you're doing.

Kitty: *ears pricked like a dog, her face contorted in disgust* ...Is that a trick question?

Onslaught: *presses a long finger to Frank's lips, then begins to caress his cheek* Sssssh, my sweet little pumpkin. We got work to do.

Frank: *shudders*

Viv: We do?

Neo: Resetting mission parameters. Standing by for updates.

Onslaught: *withdraws from Frank as he hauls a large buffel bag into the room. He drops it on the desk. The bag moves, as if a chestburster was waiting to pounce*

Kitty: *smashes her empty bottle over the bag and shouts;* Wake up, you sad pathetic little parasite!

Gimp: Reeeeeeeeee!

Frank, Viv & Onslaught: *clamp their hands over their ears, as the glass on the computer screen shatters*

Neo: *opens a bag of earplugs and begins handing them out*

Kitty: *clicks her fingers and summons a sturdy chair made out of Devil's Snare, with well-placed cuffs and braces, enough to accomodate the waif-like Gimp*

Onslaught: *whilst jabbing his earbuds in, he smacks the bag with the heel of his palm, teeth gritted* I said Twing Twang Waka Waka Bang-Bang!

Kitty:... You wot?

Neo: Commander Onslaught said he does not want to do this, but that he likes doing this.

Kitty: Oh. I knew that.

Neo: *manages to slide the Gimp out from under Onslaught's assault, throwing the creature into Kitty's Devils' Snare chair*

Onslaught: *promptly straps the cuffs onto the Gimp, grimacing as he gets nuzzled by its' greasy mop of dark stale-sweat hair* Eeee! *clutches his hat and slaps the Gimp* Eee! Eeeeeeee!

Neo: *produces a baby wipe from one of his many ammo pouches - covers Onslaught's mouth, muffling his screams as he scrubs his face*

Kitty: Right! *turns back to Frank*

Frank: *stunned - jolted back to life as he bolts for the first portal*

Kitty: *snaps her fingers, closing it. She conjures herself a fat joint*

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