Chapter Fifteen (Part One)

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Nick: *checks his watch, looking anxiously at the broken glass, crumpled mentats box, and bloody Imp corpses* Kitt... *sighs* Why...

~green light ripples on the wall behind him~

Nick: *lights himself a smoke then steps back*

Kitty & Wesker: *dive through Kitty's portal, landing in a sweaty, sticky heap on the floor, panting*

Nick: *quirks a brow, then flicks ash off his cigarette* Well, that answers my question...

~lava and brimstone lies beyond the portal, a large firestorm rapidly moving towards them, roaring like a dragon~

Nick: Woah!

Wesker: Hold it!

Frank: *clutches her foot as the flaming bridge falls out from under him*

Kitty: *yelps as she's yanked backwards through the portal, nails raking across the floor*

Wesker: *grabs her hand, grunting as he assists them*

Nick: *offers Frank his hand*

Frank: *he just about manages to climb his way in. His face covered in blood and soot as he coughs and wheezes, clasping an Exsanguinator to his chest as if it were his firstborn*

Kitty: *sprawls on top of Wesker, claws sinking into his torso. She hisses then sits up suddenly, spreading her arms*

Wesker: *shoves her* Close it!

Kitty: Bugger off! I need to cleanse!

Nick & Frank: Kitt!

Kitty: But I gotta burn these! *plucks at her filthy leopard-print shirt*

Wesker: Fuck it! *grips her shirt, ripping it off then tosses it into the flaming portal* Close the fucking thing!

Kitty: *scowls but promptly oblidges, just as the fireball reaches them, the sound of it almost defeaning - the portal zips shut, muting the noise*

Frank: *flops limply* What new Hell have you unleashed... *coughs*

Kitty: Git bent! That wasn't my doing!

Wesker: *kicks his boots off, slime oozing from his heel - retches* For once, she's right about that *throws one of his boots at her* The hell are those things anyway?

Kitty: Imps. Like you guys, they're semi-sentient minions. The main difference being that they're usually rather single-minded, and are controlled by a Master. Someone with alotta bad mojo.

Frank:... I take issue with the "single-minded" part... *glances at Wesker*

Wesker: *throws his second boot at Frank's head* You would be too, in my shoes.

Kitty: Boys and their toys, eh? *smirks at Frank and nods towards his contraption* You'd understand that better than anyone else.

Frank: Touché.

Wesker: At least you don't have the "luxury" of being sucked into that cold empty black hole that lives between her ears *quirks a brow at Nick whom was fiercely occupied with staring at the ceiling* Are your circuits fried or something?

Nick: No, um... Kitt?

Kitty: *wiping strands of dark sweat-drenched locks off her face* Hmm?

Nick: Would you do me the kindness of conjuring up a fresh shirt, or... Whatever.

Kitty: *blinks surprised, then glances down at her bare chest* Oh, right. That explains the funny looks.

Wesker: Speak for yourself, wretch.

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