Chapter Seventeen

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John: *blearily passes Kitty her joint back*

Kitty: *inhales the rest of the flaming spliff* Thirty-two pages left...

John: Three chapters...

Kitty: *sighs* At least this one is only seven pages... *eye twitches* Ow!

John: What?

Kitty: Fuckin' Bravo. Using the Mind Meld to fill my head with his branding. Gimme a second... *spawns a portal and casually tosses a live hand grenade through* Cheeky motherfucker.

John: No West? Or Valentine?

Kitty: *rubbing her face as she closes the portal, summoning a fresh one for her other guest*

Gust: *shapeshifts from his Steven Tyler form, and into his regular pimpin' attire - glances at Kitty and sighs* What d'you want?

Kitty: Cocaine!

Gust: Goddamnit. Not this shit again. Brazil does offer other drugs, y'know.

Kitty: Noted. I don't care. Feed me! Ideally with substances that have a recreational purpose!

Gust: *going over her notes - winces* Big Red probably wasn't expecting, um... The level of, uh...

John: Dick jokes?

Kitty: Pointlessness?

John: Memes?

Kitty: Exestential crisis?

Gust: Uh... *drops the notes onto her desk, running his bony fingers through her hair* I was going to say "bullshit" but honestly, he probably does expect that from you, at this point.

Kitty: Yes well, he can go sit on a railroad pike for all the fucks that I don't give.

Gust: *takes a slug from his hip flask - offers some to Hancock* Tequilla?

John: *takes a swig*

Kitty: Last chapter, we watched Gergoyle callously kill off a character just for the sake of padding out his book and angsting.

John: It was boring as fuck.

Gust: *briefly skim-reading the first page* Best brace yourself, dude. Cuz this shitshow is on the fast-track to nowhere.

John: So, basically like the rest of the book then.

Kitty: Mhmm. Buckle up.

Davis' funeral came too quickly, I couldn't imagine ever being ready to say goodbye.

Gust: [As James] Clearly, they shoulda put the entire thing on hold until my delicate constitution could handle the ordeal.

Sometimes I felt like it would be so much easier had it just been me,

Kitty: Yeah. Firstly, I wouldn't have to read more of this bollocks.

John: *sharpening his nails with his pocket knife - narrows his eyes* Lil bitch, ain't he?

Gust: You only just realized that?

John: *shrugs* The amount of good people I've seen get hurt, you'd think I could empathize.

Kitty: Yet you don't?

John: Not one bit.

Gust: Yeah... That wont change when you hear his logical reasoning.

but then I would imagine Abbi being left alone and felt even more pain.

John: Oh... Fuck off, Greg!

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