Chapter Five (Part Two)

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Nick: *tightens a couple of screws in his exposed metal right hand, missing his close friend and confident, accomplished mechanic, Viv*

Frank: *with a bandage on his nose, and his broken fingers splinted, he swaggers into Kitty's chamber, flicking through his phone; singsong* Ooo, the tabloids are gunna go mental for these juicy frames.

Nick: *glances up* Oh. Hello *he looks mildly confused* A new candidate, huh?

Frank: Hmm? Oh. Ye-- *notices him* Oh god, what the hell is wrong with your face?

Nick: That what your parents used to say to you? *sticking out his chin, indignant*

Frank: *shrugs* Sorry, uh... Where I come from, the usual policy is to shoot the things that look odd.

Nick: No different where I'm from... For the most part.

Frank: Yeah... I take it that hardass roped you into this, too?

Nick: Kitty? *nods, chuckling under his breath* Yeah, she can be quite stubborn.

Frank: Hey, uh. Y'think you can keep a secret? *glancing over his shoulder as if the walls were listening*

Nick: What?

Frank: *displays him his phone, swiping through a few sordid images that involved Kitty, Wesker, a fire extinguisher, heavy duty cable ties, and a switchblade*

Nick: *look of absolute disgust*

Frank: Fuckin' beautiful, ain't it? *produces a makeshift manhole cover strapped with duct tape, a pair of attenae and a couple of blinking lights. Drops it, allowing it to latch to the ground* Anyway, I gotta bounce before they pick up the tra--

Kitty: West! *with Cheetah-like speed she pounces, crossing the room at full pelt*

Frank: *blows her a kiss, then waves as he disappears in a flash of electricity, taking the manhole cover with him*

Kitty: *glances around her, looking confused, her fur bristling* Double crossing lil dickhole!

Wesker: *follows behind her, arms folded - catches Nick's studious gaze* What?

Nick: Nothing, uh. *feigns a cough* Just, surprised to see you back again.

Kitty: Yeah, well. It woulda been Mr West if someone hadn't left the phone in the hands of a reporter notorious for calling in for military backup!

Wesker: I'm curious as to what that device is he's using to evade us.

Kitty: Hell if I know.

Nick: Maybe you shoulda held him in the hotel.

Wesker & Kitty: *glance up at him*

Kitty: We... Didn't mention anything about a hotel, Nick.

Nick: Ah. *gnawing his lower lip, looking visibly uncomfortable*

Kitty: Wait, so how... *It dawns on her* Oh, that fucking pervert!

Wesker: *quirks a brow, amused* Karma, it would seem, is an almighty bitch.

Kitty: Oh, blow it out your ass! I don't remember hearing any complaints *clicks her claws, shifting into her human form, with all the fresh wounds proudly on display - the most prominent of which, being the purple choke marks around her neck* Seeing as the cat's outta the bag *sparks up a joint* So to speak.

Wesker: *after surveying his handiwork, he turns to leave only for the portal to close behind him. Sighs* Did I ever tell you that I despise your insufferable little games?

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