Nick Intro

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Nick: *studying the haiku he'd received from Hancock in the vain hope he'd be able to make a connection from the limited bank of literary knowledge he had at is disposal. sits up at his desk, sighing in frustration and reaching for his lighter*

Viv: *snatches it off the desk, glaring at him as she sparks up a blunt*

Nick: *snorts and sits back* Didn't hear you come in.

Viv: *shrugs* Busy "running diagnostics," again?

Nick: *silence*

Viv: *smirks* Y'know, if you let me sift through all that porn, you might be able to go five minutes without looking like a deer-caught-in-the-headlights. *chucks the lighter back onto the desk*

Nick: *shakes his head, hissing through his teeth* You're a piece of work, y'know that, right?

Viv: *sets herself up on the edge of his desk* C'mon, Robert Cop. What case could be so bad that you can't be bothered firing off a witty comeback?

Nick: *shoots her a warning glare*

Viv: *holds up her hands, her metal digits catching in the light* Fine. Just, be aware that I can't fix self-induced blind--

Nick: Drop the facade already, kid *he begins lighting his cigarette* I know you're not really her.

Viv: *grins devilishly as her features shift, rippling in a way that made it seem like her skin were melting and pooling onto the desk, before reforming into a pissed-off-looking zombified cat*

Nick: *unfazed, flicking ash, seemingly disappointed*

Kitty: What gave it away?

Nick: *arches a brow* Viv is left handed, for one.

Kitty: *blank look*

Nick: You're not.

Kitty: ... Shit.

Nick: Never were good at research, were you?

Kitty: *hisses at him* Speaking of which... How's yours going?

Nick: *his features darken as he pulls up the stack of sheets Kitty handed him months ago* Aside from deciphering your, uh... Colorful language.. I found this client of yours to be several shades of--

Kitty: *promptly smacks him*

Nick: *narrows his eyes at her*

Kitty: Sorry. That phrase triggers my PTSD *shivers at the memory of the fifty shades trilogy - solemly suckles on a hip flask as if it were a sippy cup* We don't ever use that phrase.

Nick: Noted. And you don't smack people.

Kitty: *looking sullen* ...But what if they ask for it? Kitty gots to keep her pimp hand strong.

Nick: *skeptical look* No.

Kitty: What if I ask for it?

Nick: *confused*

Kitty: To be smacked.

Nick: No.

Kitty: *exaggerated sigh* Finnne. But I hope you understand how difficult that's going to be. 

Nick: *glares then clears his throat, flicking through the pages* As I was saying, I would strongly recommend not working with this scumbag.

Kitty: *scoffs* Sheit, whadaya take me for? I wouldn't waste my time working with this dewy-eyed fop *places her front paws upon his chest and leans in with a maniacal expression* I intends to murder teh cocksucker.

Nick: *look of astonishment* Oh.

Kitty: Mhmmm *trots off, glancing at him over her shoulder* You in?

Nick: *slams the bundle of files together and rises from his chair like Mars upon his chariot* Damn right.

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