Chapter Eight (Part One)

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Nick: *attempting to peel his lips away from the mechanic, just before the portal closes. Turns and sighs, then lights up a cigarette*

John: *passed out in a drunken stupour*

Kitty: Yo.

Nick: *nudges John's foot off the desk, startling him awake*

John: *sits up suddenly, brandishing a pig-sticker* The fu!-- oh. It's you.

Nick: What did I miss?

John: Jerkoff flapping his big manly penis at us.

Kitty: *solemnly drinks a bottle of rum* Whilst waxing poetics about their Inner Payne.

John: And using the trauma of a school shooting to exploit a vulnerable girl into sleeping in his bed.

Kitty: [As James] *sniffing the sheets* P-precious...

Nick: Right. Got it *studies Kitty, questioningly*

Kitty: What?

Nick: *turns to Hancock* Did they...?

John: A few times. In her defense he was by all accounts, "being a dick."

Kitty: Yeah, but he is a sick lil puppy.

John: Why are you defending him?

Kitty: I'm not. It's just a fact *shrugs* Anyway, no use talking about the man when he's not here.

John: *narrows his eyes* I wouldn't call that thing a "man" - egomaniacal comic book villain? Yes.

Kitty: I imagine he is the result you get when Dick Dastardly raises David Bowie and Johnny Bravo's love child.

Nick: *trying to suppress his amusement* So last chapter dealt with the school shooting, correct?

Kitty: Yeah. And aside from it having more holes than a sieve, this next chapter is dedicated to explaining extra fluff that doesn't really impact the story whatsoever or tell us anything new.

Nick: So back to padding then.

John: *monotone* Yay.

Kitty: *slugs some more rum* Let's do this.

Lakewood High struggled at first, we all did, but as promised the school was operating once again and welcoming students back.

Nick: Apparently the school district think that it's appropriate to send students back to a place where their friends were murdered.

John: It would appear that lifelong trauma is now a part of their curriculm.

Abbi had returned home a few days prior, telling me how much crap she was going to give her dad for up and abandoning her for so long.

Kitty: Dafuque? Abandoning her? *blinks several times, baffled*

John:... But she refused to go home. In fact, does she give a reason for why she can't just fuck off home?

Kitty: No. But we can assume it's due to her dad being a feckless drunk.

But we both knew he rarely showed any interest in what she had to say.

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John: *skimming ahead* Man...this next bit, Jerkoff really ramps up the creep factor.

I suppose we both liked to think of our father's in a way that made us feel like they could care, from time to time.

Nick: *wrinkles his nose* It could just be me, but that last part is unnecessary word-clutter.

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