Chapter Five (Part One)

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Kitty: *swaggers in, stinking of weed and singing a mellow version of I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker*

Nick: *dryly* You poor thing.

Kitty: Ssh! Let me have this moment.

John: The chapter opens later that day, with James pondering the day's event, when Momma Onion calls him for dinner.

Kitty: Y'mean to tell me that you're seventeen and you still haven't started cooking for yourself?

I responded "Lentils again?"

She opened the door and looked at me with a blank facial expression "We have to talk, come to the table."

Kitty: Firstly,

Editor SOS: 211 [1 count for formatting.]

Nick: Secondly, be grateful that you have food at all, kid. Cut the fucking attitude!

John: Jeez, Nick.

Kitty: Don't get your servos in a twist. And since when the fuck did you start with that sailor talk?

Nick: *lights up a cigarette in an effort to calm himself* Desparate times, toots.

Kitty: Anyway, disregarding typical teenage angst... Gerg, your character comes off as a petulant and bratty child, and given that he's meant to be your glowing testament to all that you view as good... I am deeply disgusted.

John: If it's any consolation, you'll very quickly lose any sympathy for Bitchy McBitch Momma Onion.

As I left my room, I saw a man sitting at the table next to my sister.

Kitty: [As Chris Hansen] Good morning, Psychobrat. Why don't you have a seat over there?

Nick: [As Chris Hansen] Now, I have the transcripts here of all the chat logs. So now would be a really good time to start telling the truth.

John: [As Gerg] The what?

Kitty: *nomming on some heart shaped pot brownies that're glazed in a thick, drippy layer of pink icing* If only...

Nick: This is where we are introduced to Rick.

Kitty: Wubba Lubba Dubb Dubb, motherfucker.

Nick: Having graced them with his presence, James sits after Rick greets him. I think it's important to note that Rick knows who James is, but James has never heard of Rick. So I guess he's a friend of his mom.

John: Try fuckbuddy.

"This is Rick, the reason you haven't seen much of him is because

Kitty: He lives in the basement.

Nick: *pinches the bridge of his nose*

he lives on the other side of the mountains all the way in Spokane," my mom said.

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