Kitty Rising

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Kitty: *slams the trunk, then takes a long drag on a J* Whaddup, homie?

Wesker: *sneers and scouts the area in a single leering glance* Remind me how I let you talk me into this.

Kitty: *waves her hand dismissively, having shifted into her human form. An impish elven-featured 19 year old with a soul patch piercing, black punk rocker hair and lots of biker leather, and PVC pants. She looked like a Dominatrix cosplaying as The Man With No Name* Cuz I'm awesome.

Wesker: Heh *hands her a faintly glowing needle* This should help boost your capabil--

Kitty: *silences him with a flick of her wrist - looking smug as she flicks ash onto his latex suit, eyeing his firm pecs* I'm not the one that relies on GoGo juice to get her mojo working.

Wesker: *rolls his eyes* You are tiresome

Kitty: *preens at him* Jealous, much?

Wesker: The plan. *he growls*

Kitty: Yes! *drops her dimp onto the asphalt in front of him*

~The pair are stood at the far end of a deserted parking lot, just outside a shopping mall. Cars are strewn everywhere in varying states of repair, some with DIY armour attached~

Wesker: *strays ahead, the scent of gunpowder and charred rotten flesh carrying on the wind. Snorts, flexing his fingers, his "standard issue" Glock 17 L feeling heavy in its holster* The candidate may be dead.

Kitty: *her eyes glow green, as she shakes her head* No... Something's off.

Wesker: What?

Kitty: The energy. It's... It's weird. Like someone is trying to shield something.

Wesker: *finger brushes the grip of his gun, as he picks up a familiar groaning sound coming from the mall entrance*

Kitty: *her claws ripple with sparking current from her palms, her hackles raised, arcing green bolts off of her shoulders - thunder crackles overhead*

Wesker: *swings arm in her direction, timing his shot perfectly*

Zombie: *lunges at Kitty, going for her neck*

Kitty: *prepares to backhand the miserable creature*

Zombie: *slumps to its knees, toppling forward with a large bullet wound in its malformed face*

Kitty: *drops her hand* Thanks.

Wesker: *curt nod as he cocks his gun, smirking*

Kitty: We should move.

Wesker: *glares at her* That would be ill-advised *points at the horde of zombies crowding the entrance to the mall - shrugs* Maybe if I had something better than these cheap toys! *snarls*

Kitty: *coughs and nods towards a manhole cover*

Wesker: *eyes the veins in her neck, skin crawling. He grits his teeth, feeling frustrated by the scent*

Kitty: *positions herself above the cover in a power stance, she conjures an invisible conduit between her hands, as the wind becomes supercharged, drawing in minor agro from nearby zombies*

Wesker: *readies his gun* Conserve your energy.

Kitty: Worry about yourself, you miserable git. *She balls up her fists, as she delivers a blinding plasma kick to the metal, blasting through it, the lightening shock melting the cover into mangled white hot metal* Go! *shoots a bolt at a trio of zombies flanking Wesker*

Wesker: *drops through the hole, splashing into the sewage*

Kitty: *casts a small power surge around the area, causing windshields, headlights and wing mirrors on all the vehicles within a two metre radius to shatter, cutting the zombies, slowing them down by a few seconds - drops through, too*

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