chapter 11

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Jk p.o.v

What happened? What the hell did happen???? Did a fucking vampire  left after attacking me?
How did I let that happen? Why didn't I claw him? Was I afraid? And afraid of whom??? A fucking blood sucker...

But he was so scary and ugly... No he wasn't ugly he was demonic. By the dominance ooze out of him am sure he isn't a normal low life but a big shot. But I let him go?

More like he let you go kookeiii......

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... I yelled through my head. Shit I didn't even realize am already in front of the pack house.  Getting back my human form and leaving that place was my first priority.

"Welcome home....." Tae was smiling wide while opening the door for me.
He's kinda cute you know. He reminds me of my young self. I used to do the same when I was young, whenever namjoon hyung came back  I would always greet him with a wide smile.

"Wtf bro You look like you  were under a truck all this time..." Actually I was tae I said in my mind.

"Its nothing tae I was with the villagers to help them fixing a thing or two. And if you are done  questioning can I go in am really tired."

"Sure bro.." This alien is full of doubts.

"Hey kookei, go take a shower and have breakfast with us..".    Jin hyung said while setting up the table. Hes such a pure soul. Nothing like his brother. But I can see how both are too  painfully innocent.

I couldn't think of anything else in shower too. The cold water reminds me of his cold fingers. They were really strong chocking me to death.

Kooo.. Are you a masochist or something. I thought to myself.

I let him go cause I know I don't have a chance against him, not in new moon when am in my vulnerable moment.  But y did he let me go?
Is there anything else he want? Maybe cause he thought am an alpha, he can't smell us. But an alpha could have buried their canines in his neck by now.

I brushed away my thoughts and  dried my self. After choosing my self a white t shirt and denim shorts. I made my way to eat breakfast. I was hell of hungry. Even though I hunt one or two animal in my wolf form, transformations are too expensive in terms of energy.

I saw everyone seated on the table. And my hyung still drooling over jin hyung. Grow some balls hyung ask him out.

"How was the meeting hyung." I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"It went very well kook ah. We didn't feel this powerful in ages."

"By the way where were you all yesterday."    jin hyung asks me while  giving me food. His cooking is something else I should say. I dig in as soon I got it..

"They had some meeting in the city with one of our business partners and I was in the..." I started coughing remembering the cold eyes I saw yesterday

"Kook ah don't talk while eating.." Namjoom hyung said while passing me water.

"I was in the village fixing things."

"Fixing things with someone special I see... "Said jin hyung.

"What do you mean hyung? "Everyone was looking at me by now.

"I really don't wanna embarrass you now, so we will talk later."

"No no not at all, tell me hyung what do you mean?..."

"Yes hyung tell us too... " tae This curious devil ...

"Umm... Its... The hickey on your ne..neck."

I spit whatever I was eating and turn around to look at the mirror. There it is, a large purple mark showing off on my collar bone. Shit.... When did he?

I turn around with a scared face.
Its not that I tripped over and got hit by a tree on my neck. I saw namjoon hyung looking at me with  a not so readable face.

"Don't be afraid kookei, and if you want us to believe its not a hickey then it isn't." Jin hyung said sensing the tension.

"Come on jin hyung its not a hickey.." Wow atlast the taelien....... I knew he would be of some use.

"I mean, which normal human could make such an huge  artistic hickey, its sure something  more..... " Use my ass... He's still garbage.

"Stop it tae, you are crossing the line, now everyone pls eat." Jin hyung said

I saw my brothers looking at me, do they know its a vampire, are they thinking of me as a traitor?

"After eating ,Meet me in my study kookei " namjoon hyung said and left.

My appetite is at a high risk of getting kicked out


I  volunteered to help jin hyung wash the plates, byt my hands are trembling non stop...

Tae p.o.v


"Hmm mm......"

"Don't you think what am thinking..."

"I have no time to think about fantasy.."

"Now I think of it hyung,  it wasn't a hickey. It was rather a big mark, two spots much darker than the background."

"Maybe his partner is artistic about the hickey, anyway its non of our business I already feel so stupid to tell that to everyone.  Namjoon wasn't that happy to hear it."

"Partner my ass, don't you think its marks by fangs. Maybe he was mating."

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you. What did mom and dad think while making you. If you were an author rather than a culprit, we could have bought a whole ass property by now.."

But hyung....

"Get lost if you aren't helping. I have to arrange all these washed cloths. "

I left the laundry room without telling anything. You are painfully innocent hyung. Stupid hyung. I wont talk to anyone in......

"Isn't that kookei? Is he going to meet hyung? " Lets follow him detective kim. Anyway we have no shits to do.

I can't fully hear whats happening but am sure that dimple guy is scolding kookei. Is he that possessive over his brothers.

"We both know what's there in your neck.. .....How?"

"I... Hyung..." Kookei is crying by now. Its just a mark right.

"Don't cry kookei, I would have thought the same as jin but I could pick up the mark and smell from you even after showering."

"Hyung I tried to resist, but I am hopeless."

"No kookei you are brave to be alive after encountering it in such a vulnerable state as new moon."

"Don't you hate me hyung? Do you think of me as a traitor?" What traitor, what this drama is about .

"No kookei you are my brother and about the sent you have to get rid of the  mark. Good that it was just a hickey not an actual mark. Or you know you will be hunted by  me myself and them."


"Go to library, find the ancestral books and get rid of that nasty thing."

"Hyung I wasn't fully changed and vulnerable back then but I couldn't even move, was that much dominant."

"I know kookei. It isn't any lowlife...."

What the fuck was that... I didn't get any shit they talk about, hunted? Dominant? Mark? going nuts. Lets rest  for sometime tae, lets take time to process these information.......

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