chapter 15

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Jimins p.o.v

Why that boy so weak, if he was this pathetic then why did he turn in himself in such a blood play.  He was so arrogant and daring on that day, but now he's crying and whimpering like a bitch. But something is not right, I can't feel  that dangerous yet seducing  Aura Around him. Maybe it was our transformation that day and he was aggressive.  Now he's out of his hormonal self he know his gender I think. And I would love to make him regret playing with me.

But I know for a fact that they will come for him, they will come for that omega kid. And I will torture him until his family begs in front of me.
The same pleads left my mouth years ago, they will beg me. And that boy is just a toy to lure the big catch. This  proving shit to clans are just some shit I'm not actually looking forward to.

I will shred everyone of those wolfs skin alive, the same claws painted her chest will be burnt to ashes. I didn't notice the tears left my eye. I took a huge sip of alcohol  in my cup.

"Are you okay? " I heard suga hyung asking me...

"Iam perfectly fine hyung, just want to get this blood play to the climax..."

"Already tired...."

"Nope never, more like interested in the climax Rather than this foreplay. "

"Don't lie min, tell hyung whats wrong." 
he knows me too well, it was him who stood by my side during all these years. Hobi was a human back then. I was  so shocked to know my hyung had a best friend that too a human.
I burst out into tears hugging hyung.

"Why hyung? why her? Of all people? Were they that greedy for power to do that to an innocent? I will kill that boy hyung. I will torture him so bad, and make him cry more  louder than she ever did. Just wait till I prove my Innocents in front of the clans."

"Jiminah, I know you are angry, but don't lose control over yourself, and for that boy, seems like a scardy cat to me."

"Isn't hobi hyung being love struck enough? I already can predict his interest in that shit but so  sad that he will be the one ripping his throat apart. What about you? Why are you siding him? Did you forget whatever happened back then and moving on? Or you too have a crush on him?"

"Do I look like  a relationship material? I only fuck jimin, you know that better. And no I didn't forget anything,I never will , Its just am worried if we are going off the target.his personality doesn't match with the wolf you described."

Hobi hyung is gonna be a handful, but I can't tolerate suga hyung too taking his side. And I need him to lure my prey, the big bad  alpha. I chuckled.

"Where were you by the way?  Hobi hyung must be with that slut."

"Unfinished businesses, nothing you should be concerned about. Hobi is in his room I think, his human emotions are welling up. "

Why yoongi hyung so secretive, nowadays
I think he have an afair with one of Jackson's team member. I smiled at my thoughts...

Only if he knew......

Jk p.o.v

I don't know what to do,  jin hyung is still locked up, namjoon hyung isn't making a move just walking back And forth in the library. What am I supposed to do? As the beta of this pack I can't just stay silent, not after knowing well that It has something to do with the encounter I had with one of those bastards.

How did they even came inside the territory, even though the omega who's force keeps the pack ground safe and shielded is not with us right now, she's still protecting us. How could they break it, unless the omega.......

"Hyung... Walking here won't get any solution we have to make a plan, we have to get him back. What if they..."

"Jin is enough headache kookei, I know what they can do... "

"Then do something.."

"What am I supposed to do.. I can't just let them kill you all to let tae go.. Now Can I?"  He yelled clutching his head

I was shocked, coz he never yells at people , especially not me.

"Hyung, go talk to jin hyung even though he isn't a wolf he is your mate for a reason. Atleast try...."

I left the library, its all because that vampire, he just messed it all up, but why do they need tae? Of course for blackmailing, I hope they Don't hurt him much, he's just too precious to be hurt. Why didn't I notice their presence yesterday, I did pick up the smell very well on the otherday in the forest.

I can't say that vampire doesn't make me feel a different way. The thought of that night gives me chills, I thought it's because of the deadly close encounter, but still I can feel his breath on my skin...

Shit..... snap out of it you punk its gonna be battle no drama. Tae is our priority, we will get him back by any means. The thing is he doesn't know my human form but their vampire form has more similarities with their human self. Its an advantage to know the shape of you mr. vampire.....

Namjoons p.o.v

I should do something, but what? Lets try talking to jin, I don't know if I will be able to talk to him without using my authority. He has very Right to be angry at  me and all but its just......  it hurts me alot to see the hatred in his eyes that too for me. I feel my wolf in distress whenever I see him sad. I  know it is something related to the mission elders give us but I can't say it out loud . But why are they after tae. They need me to die they need all of us to die even the vampire incident with kookei was just an accident  why  did they let him go but took someone as weak as tae. I don't have any answers, I should have never left the pack house to begin with, I should have aborted the  mission. I was too much in joy  to do the mission that I forgot about my mate.

I was standing outside the door of my room.Its totally silent, like before a storm.

I opened the door only to meet with  darkness. Before I could make a move I felt something hitting hard on my head.


Jin p.o.v

I tried, tried to find a way out of here only to find that  its some power of that nasty creature holding me inside this room. He called me mate, but am not a creature. I only want my brother, I was crying for hours then I heard footsteps, I found myself holding a bottle of alcohol from the nearby shelf.

Its namjoon who opened the door. He's searching for me, his eyes wandering around the room in curiosity and...and something soft. He was afraid I could tell that, but not afraid of me he's afraid to loose me. What the actual fuck how do I know all these. Erasing all the soft spot formed in my heart I hit his head with the  bottle.. He didn't expect that I can tell.

"Jin........" I heard him calling out in pain.

Something in my heart is breaking, but......

"Am sorry namjoon........" Tears left my eyes.

Author note

The story is a slow updating one. Pls put up with me if  u  are reading this story, I was just writing whatever comes to mind and didn't have the whole plot decided  previously and my studies are also giving me a hard time. 

Dont be hallucination , Pls vote, purple u .... 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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