chapter 35

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Everything is calm now, everyone settled on the grass plain. too much emotions brimming. It was the human brothers who broke the silence.

"I missed you alot tae.."  jin hyung cried while hugging tae.I can see how attached these two are.

"I missed you too hyung.." They kept hugging eachother.....

Jimin saw kookei eyeing him with an awkward tension.. will jimin acept him? does he still hate him? Will they be?... All these thoughts were running inside jungkook's head. Jimin wasn't in a different position either.. he questioned his love, his blood bond, He hurt him a lot. Will he be forgiven..?  he pulled jk towards him and cupped his cheeks...

"Am sorry for hurting you...."

"You are an idiot jimin..." tears run down jungkooks eyes while his lips couldn't stop smiling...

"I am my love,  i am..."  They hugged eachother without a care about their nature or species.. it's them, that's what matters.. it's their love not the world's to be judged or set boundaries..  he cupped jimin's cheeks and softly kissed his lips....

They pull apart from the sound of yoongi fake gagging. Everyone started laughing and the tension slowly started to ease..

Jk p.o.v

"Hyung" tae looks at the intervened hands of his and jin hyung's ...

"Let's go home tae.."  it's the first time in weeks i saw an emotion pass through hobi hyung's eyes, he's nervous and afraid that jin will take tae.. but tae seems to be awkward as well. They kept looking at eachother without any words being spelled...

"Come on tae...." Jin says as he tries to drag tae with them...

"Which house hyung?"  That question is kinda tricky.. it plays with the heart of two people... namjoon hyung gulping down his saliva, his eyes are filled with pain and sadness. Is it the end of his story?......

"Of course the pack house.."  i saw a smile on namjoon's lips..... He found his home....

"No..." The reply was simple...

"What do you mean by no..."  Jin hyung is angry. His face is heating up. He is so confused...

"I don't want to come with you.."

"What do you mean.. You don't want to come with us, you want to stay here in the middle of the forest with people who fucking kidnaped you" i took step beside him and massaged his shoulders to ease some tension.....

"Calm down hyung let him talk"

"I have my home right here.." he holds hobi's hand and hobi hyung smiles at him... A full smile, something that used to adore that beautiful heart. Both jimin  and yoongi admiring the missing piece of hobi's heart getting back together like a puzzle.....

"You are not mad at me right.." tae whispers while looking at the ground, he's afraid of the rejection.....

"am not any wolf , am human" he says and beads of tear slip his eyes.
"Please take me back.." everyone was at the  verge of crying, even yoongi.....

"I know..." Hobi took hold of tae's chin and lifts his head...
"I love you my pup.." that's all took for tae to hug him so tight, leaving small pecks on his neck repeating i love yous...

"But.."  jin hyung tried to interrupt....

"Why don't you leave the pack house and come with me..." Now tae's looking at jin as if he's challenging the older.. jin's eyes widen in anger

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