chapter 25

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Jungkook p.o.v

I don't want to lie to him. I know he's my mate. But i can't betray my pack. What am I gonna do. He.... I should have known it from the beginning. the way i couldn't harm him that day in forest. I felt tears running down. I remember what namjoon hyung said... If it's real they will hunt me, my own family will hunt me. More than that, i will be a cheater who betrayed his own people. But i can't tell anything to jimin he hates us, he will hate me.. do he even love me to begin with? There's no hope for us.

Focus kook.... find tae and get out of here.

But the scend i picked  on the balcony it felt familiar, like someone i knew, someone Sharing a pack bond, did namjoon Hyung send anyone to look for us? But.. they can't get in unless they know..... Bam hyung??? He knows the ways to get in.. the human supplier was his idea. What if he was there? Why would he be there? Did jimin hurt him? My train of thoughts were cut short once i saw jimin entering the palace. Blood oozing out of his body. From everywhere. Huge gashes on his body. I felt my wolf claw inside my chest. I ran towards him.

"Master.. what.. what happened? Who hurt you? Are you okay."

"I am kookei.. and please call me jimin" He smells of alcohol. He drunk too much. How much does it takes to get a vampire drunk?

I helped him inside his room and ran towards bathroom.

"Let me treat the wounds mas.. no jimin.."

"My stupid human, am a vampire it will heal on its own"

he called me his.. his...


"No why do you care kook, you are a slave not my blood."

"Am sorry." He's right am just....

"When my own blood betray me why are you here..."


"It's hyung brat... Do you know what i hate the most in this world.."

"It's wolfs..."

"Ya know why.. they killed her. They killed my mom.. and many others.... Backstabbers...
But lucky me i had some people left by my side like a shitty father who cared more about his kingdom than his son or dead wife."


"Yeah two hyung by my side."He mumbled more as he lay there totally exhausted.

Am sure something happened, i hope it wasn't any of my wolfs. Please be safe. I took his head and put it on my lap, who knows when i will have another chance to be this close to the real person inside this monster...

"You know kookei... It was a full moon as well.... You know it would be less painful if i was a mortal like you.. just being able to remember everything everyday until you can't remember how many years you have lived like that...." His eyes were filled with tears...

I have seen the flirty pervert in him. A very competitive leader in him, a revenge seeking vampire in him. But i never saw him like this... So Broken and..... I felt my eyes tearing up. My wolf crying inside my chest. I can feel it completely he's my mate... But he can't feel these emotions so there's no way he will ever return them.  Once this is all over we will fight each other on a battlefield. I must be lucky to get killed by my own mate...

"I hate you..."  I heard him mumble... Even though it wasn't directed towards me. Those words puncture my brain... He will use the same words for me once he finds out.

Jimin p.o.v

I woke up to a warm hand on my cheek, warmth spread on my face.. it's a good feeling the freezing skin of mine feel calm. I was lying my head on kooks lap. He's sleeping in a sitting position... Last night was a Vivid picture infront of me. I thought maybe just maybe it was a nightmare. But it's not... Why hyung...? Why..? didn't we agree on this together? Didn't we promise revenge.....

Last night....

"Kookei go inside i will be back.."
i said as i pick up the smell of a wolf in my land. Following the lead was easy but the visuals were terrifying.

My hyung

I pick up the smell and followed it until i saw my hyung standing there with a wolf..

"so you did betray me." Hot tears ran down my eyes and blurred my vision.  The wolf left with something in his hand much like information for it's alpha.

"Was betraying me fun hyung?"he's looking like a deer caught at headlights


"Yes the same jimin whom you made a promise to kill the whole wolf kingdom with.."

"I knew hyung the moment i knew you need a wolf to get in their territory i knew you were backstabbing me.."

"Jimin its not what it seems like.."

"Then what is it?why hyung?"

i punched his gut hard as he coughed blood. I could feel the wolf staring from the woods. He must witness this.

"Give me the throne and jungkook." My eyes wend wide as hyung smirks at me

"For power? Really hyung?" I screeched at him and tore his leg open with my claws..

He grabs me by throat and slams me to the floor. "Jungkook i want him."

"He's mine hyung i scratched his chest and turned us over.."

"No jimin i want him..."

"A traitor like you should be dead.." we faught eachother like  animals and i dip my fangs in his neck.

I saw the wolf retrieve to the forest and ran away..

"See hyung he just left you, you blood traitor.. "

"You are still an  idiot jimin.i want the throne and kook i will get them by any mean."

"Go hyung.. am going for the moon stone when i come back i don't want you here.. after the ceremony i will kill you with all those wolfs. And don't tell hobi hyung anything he would be heartbroken to know that his  only family is a fucking traitor..."

I left with hyungs blood on my teeth.

Flashback ends...

I look up at the dozing cute boy. Maybe i would live for you. Maybe after the war... I leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips.. it's so unlike vampire king that it even shocks me. Why do you have this effect on me kook... He stirrs a little bit and try to get up... It must hurt like bitch...

"You up pretty boy?"

"Umm... Are you okay?"


 " What happened?"


"What happened to your mom?"

"another time.. maybe.."

He nodded and got of my bed. His shirt raise a little bit showing his abdomen.. oo cutie really does work out huh.. i just chuckled at him as he was looking at me confused..

You will be the death of me... Jinx it....

Author note

Hey everyone... Am sorry for not uploading..i kinda don't know what to write anymore...  I will try to complete the story soon....

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