chapter 4

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Jin's p.o.v

We where running through the forest for almost an hour. We don't even know how far we got from them
Its that, stupid cops who suddenly got humanity to check our bar.

I can see tae panting, he's my little brother and the site of him struggling makes my Heart clench in pain but what can I do..... If  we stops those drug dealers gonna end our story

We where working in a bar as Baristas. The crave for Money to sustain our life have got us into drug dealing
But because of that fucking cops we lost all the drug and now we don't have money to return Mafia.  Both police and criminals are in search for us what a luck......

We where running, for god knows how many kilometers now I noticed that we are almost in the core of forest

"Hyung, let us please rest they won't get us here inside forest"
          It was tae who dragged me out of my thoughts

"Thats right tae its almost dark wandering in the jungle at night can attract unwanted attention from wild animals"
          I said while my eyes roaming our surroundings

"Oh hyung now you believe in werewolfs, I told you they are real"
                 He whisper yelled

'Once brat, always a brat ' i thought to myself and smacked his head hard

"Yeah crackhead, come out those fictions and help me find a safe place to sleep "

We found a cave almost abandoned and chose it as our fucking holiday castle (deep sigh)

Jungkook's p.o.v

Its almost night and I have to check our pack border to ensure there is no intruders or other problems
our village looks like heaven in moonlight
I want to make sure to sustain this peace

Our pack house is far inside the village and its the only house there for some safety

Then I noticed some murmur near me
Is it some animal?    Naaa.... Its more like conversations

    Oh my god.....
     There are humans in the village!!

How the fuck they got here??
are they going to attack us??

    I have to inform namjoon hyung
  I was getting more nervous

No no no no..... KOo... Just calm down if they are here to attack why would they wait  they should be lost in jungle or something

My brain was getting hot because of the blood rushing
It was repeating one word in my mind


When I stepped out of our boundary I found a cave and a boy sitting there and doing not much but talking to himself  oh.. Such an... "Alien......"

"oh hyung dont believe me but am damn sure there are werewolfs out there , if there is not why would someone write about it "
                                 I heard him say

Oh he is talking about us that caught my attention I took a step to have a clear picture of the said boy

Oh he is talking about us that caught my attention I took a step to have a clear picture of the said boy   

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( minus ear piece)

      That boy is too good looking, he is young but not that young he might be hyng to me  he has a messy black hair and his black eyes are sparkling in the moon light he is slim and have childish pout on his lips

I don't know why something inside   telling me to know him more may be his innocence

  "Hey, don't be scared but may I know what you are doing here,this late?"

The boy took a step back and started playing with his fingers.   

plz no panic attacks and I don't wanna carry him bridal style goddd its not a fucking ff
     ( yes kook it is 😁)
"Stay away from me who the hell are you?"
            The boy spat while taking a step back from me

    Innocence my ass he's a bastard

"My name is jungkook I mean no harm to you"  I said showing my bunny theeth

"I know you are a cop , stop playing games with me , hyung....... Plz help meeeee "
Hyung ??? Oo we got company I thought

Then I noticed a handsome man with wide shoulders and tall frame geez he looks so good  I should call him.......
World wide handsome

 "Who the hell are you ? Fucking monster

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"Who the hell are you ? Fucking monster."
       he grabs the other boy and hide him behind his wide shoulders

"Don't freak out myself jungkook my grandpa owns a vacation house here in the village inside forest "
                                     i simply lied

"Wow there is a village I wanna go" there  the boy jumps up and down
he is so cute!

"Shutup you stupid we don't even know him".       the wwh guy said

The cute one said "No we do he is jungkook and....."
                     Dump I thought

"I was just walking and then I noticed him are you guys ok you look terrified"

"We got chased......." The boy got a slap from the hyung

"Why should we tell you about us, " 

"If you tell me may be I can provide you shelter.... Inside jungle without a shelter anything can happen right?"

      I started walking back then the man called me

"Ok its a long story lets get in the cave will tell you there"  the guy said

And a different story of another half of the world Begins there......

(So we got company😉😉  its still a jikook ff lol❤❤❤❤❤
                    Stay safe sweets bye)

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