chapter 16

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At pack house

"Hyung I think we should go there..."

"Are you  out of your mind kookei.." Namjoon asks while rubbing his painful head. Jin did hit him pretty strong. Its his healing which is pretty much fast that he's  more or less stable now.  Jin did  treat his wound,  and namjoon knew jin would never leave him in that state, after all they are mates.

"I don't wanna agree with anyone but I will go  and thats final you come or not none of my business."  Jin says as he glares at jungkook. Jung kook sinks more into his chair with his head hung low.

"Its too dangerous jin,  they are not normal humans they are vampires." Yes namjoon explained everything to jin, he knows  everything now except the part were jungkook had the encounter, he already hates kookei, don't want jin to kill kookei, thats why he left that part out

"And whom are you angel from afterlife, bloody double faced bitches." Jin spat and everyone around the table was speechless

"Hyung, jin hyung is correct, we don't have any other option, we have to sneak inside their territory". Bam bam said.

"What if they caught us? Then what? Will die all together, will be their blood banks,  the village, our wolfs, all being their slaves, pups whom will be tortured even without doing shit, I can't... " Hearing this jin's heart melts, the same way when he herad namjoon calling for him in pain. He's worried about his family the same way jin is worried about his baby brother. Thats why he chose to treat namjoons wound and have a decent conversation rather than running. Only because of humanity, atleast thats what jin take it as.

"You don't have to come with me I will go by myself, even if I lose my life its worth a try to save my taetae. " Tears threatened to fall from the said males eyes. He miss his baby too much.

"No jin i will come with you."  namjoon said almost in a scream..

"As if they don't know you are the alpha... Think calm hyung, " minhyuk said. He's right they know him, they know his face, even the way his blood smells.

"Hyung they will bring humans inside as slaves every now and then.  They need blood to survive, even though most end up getting killed by them, some will be converted to vampires."

"And how do you know all that shit kookei..."

"I heard........... He got cut of by an aggressive jin who slams his hand on the table.

"I have no time for this shit I have to leave asap. "
Jin said while namjoon was debating his birth..he can't do anything, neither can he stop his mate, nor can he go along with him and protect him.

"i Will go with him hyung. " The whole table turn their head towards the source of the sound.

"You are not going anywhere kookei. " Namjoon growls making everyone tremble.

"bold of you to assume i will go  with a traitor?"  Jin said while eyeing the doe eyed boy in pure disgust.

"Hyung think, they don't know me, they don't know anything about me, how I look, what am I capable of, nothing. And being a beta makes me as scentless as possible.  Am the closest relative of humans we have here hyung.  And jin hyung I know you hate me but I promise I will get tae back to you..."

"Kookei, you are Still a small boy, you never dealt with any vampire, you don't know how they play, no.. I can't lose neither you nor my mate." He can't say out the encounter kookei had in front of everyone.

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