chapter 10

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Jm p.o.v

I got the smell of other vampires and I exactly know what will happen if they found me with a wolf, thats why I let him go. Wait you are the strongest vampire jimin... They won't do touch a single hair of yours. Then why did you let a wolf go.... No I wasn't thinking about me, it was that wolf.... What the actual fuck... Why am I thinking about him, why did I even let him go. Maybe I want to torture him , Thats it.. Its the actual reason. I reasoned myself.

I have never seen such a beautiful wolf, I have heard before that omega wolfs are beautiful, but he was aggressively angelic, does that even match.... I can still smell him, not his pheromones, of course am not a wolf so I can't smell their gender pheromones but I can still smell his blood. Its so addicting. If it smells this sweet how will it taste. Unfortunately I didn't see his human form.


He was this close....


Brown furr

"Park fucking jimin...."

I realized that hobi hyung is in front of me calling me for an eternity it seems. Jimin get a hold of you.. I mentaly made a note..

"What's the matter hyung?"

"Something happened?  don't know how, but we have to go now?"

"Go? Where ? What about the meeting hyung? The clan leaders..."

"There is no time neither need jimin... Lets go,"  why hyung is behaving like this..

"Am not leaving until I know what the fuck is the matter...."

"Its the King's order to get back as soon as possible. We will take the other route which doesn't go through the village... And jackson..."

Thats it.

"Hyung did you forget something?"

"What.. No time for fun ji...."

"Am the fucking king here... I yelled on top of my lungs. I don't like when people disrespect me,  not even my own father. We will go through the same way we came through, you got it hobi?"  I purposely forgot the honorifics.

"Yes my king.." Thats what I thought

"Lets have the meeting first, my dad's  periods can wait..."

"Lets go then, meeting with dead bodies. Kinda interesting.... " Yoongi hyung said while smirking

"What do you mean hyung? Whos dead body? What happened? Will anyone explain." Am losing my mind.....

"They got attacked jimin,they were all killed when we got there. We have to go?"

"Wtf hyung a whole village got killed and you say we leave? Its not like they killed themselves for fun. Lets go to the village.."

"But jimim its dangerous, and we are only 6."

"Hyung what can be dangerous in a whole dead city? we are leaving, no more words needed."

When we got there.... Shit... Its a blood pool. Flesh and blood splattered on the stone path. Disgustingly attacked bodies laying here and there. Whole silence drenched in the smell of dead people and blood. I closely examined one body and my rage was boiling like hot lava...

Why did I let him fucking go....... I yelled inside my head imagining the wolf.  These all are claw marks not of any creatures but wolf's. How can I mistake them when my own mother had plenty of them on her chest. Those painful memories came running back to me , That fucking bastard of a wolf was a bait. Yes he was a bait, and my fucking horny self  got lured by him . they took opportunity to backstab. Am gonna kill that fucking shit. You didn't do well by provoking me pup. I will torture you until i get satisfied, you will beg me to kill you. They didn't even consider children. They could have left the children. How can I except morals from morons.

"Hobi hyung, lets try to find.. " My words got interrupted by an arrow which could have hit me if it wasn't for my fast defense. There is this whole group of vampires eyeing me like am a prey.

"What the hell are you doing? He's our king. " Jackson yelled.

"King who's nothing but a backstabber."

"How dare you?"

"How dare we? How dare you to kill a whole village? "

"Can't you fucking see its wolf claws?"

"You didn't even think before teaming up with them to kill your own kind?
You may be our king but you are nothing without us clans. You will die here "

So they are clan leaders. What they said is true, without them am just a king with a throne. But what made my univers stop was my ring. They had my ring, but how?

"Where did you get that?"  We all have one showing our position and power..

"No one can ender this boundary because of the black magic we use unless they are vampires, and you helped them with your power. You misused your power and you will face the wrath......"


Yoongi p.o.v

I plopped down on my bed leaving a sigh of relief. I missed you my baby. I said while hugging my pillow. You may be wondering how we got here. Long story short. Its was dead pool. We faught them for long and took down half of them, but 6 against 600 is not an ideal way Of fighting. So we escaped using our power. The thing am confused is how they got jimin's ring from the dead bodies, did he really backstab us.I know I shouldn't doubt him, his intentions to kill the wolfs are far more brutal and determined than any normal vampire. But the evidences say something else right.

The way he faught with them was really scary. He was chanting something, more like killing someone, his eyes where dark  red, like he wants to skin someone alive. We didnt ask anything, he need time to think. Getting acused by your brothers really  sucks.I don't know what happens when the ex-king comes in contact with the 1000 year new gen king.

( to people who still reading it , if any, I was so meesed up with my uni works that I couldn't make an update, I will try to update more fast, stay safe hun....💜💜💜)

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