chapter 20

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Hobi p.o.v

I enter the cell and saw tae sitting there looking like he  was caught in a lie. This boy is damn gorgeous i should say. He's  really beautiful and innocent. We Became so close these past few days. He have a really bubbly personality. I don't know much about him but I think we have to take this time to get to know eachother. He's fidgeting so much.

"What happened tae?"  He's pulled out of his thoughts and smiles at me awkwardly

"Nothing hyung, am just worried about my jin hyung." Oh right whenever we have chance he talks a lot about his hyung.

"Don't worry, he's with his pack its you for whom you should worry."

"Hyungei,... Will you hate me if I.... If ...I..... " He keeps looking at them hem of his shirt twisting and turning it.

"You escape?"  I ask with a smile

"Ofc not, I will be happy that you are happily living somewhere."

"Just not with you... " He mumbled. My heart is clenching. Why am I here???

"Hyung  where's your family? Are you and that  meanie and rock face brothers."

"Hahahaaha, no am not, my family is no more, I was a human just as you, I was converted to a vampire. And that rock is named  suga and meani is jimin."

"Who converted you? Why you become a creature?"

"Long story short, I was in   hospital an accident and suga hyung was my best friend. When the doctors said I won't make it he begged jimins father to convert me to a vampire. Sadly none of my family made it to the hospital in that accident."

"Am sorry hyung, I didn't knew."

"No its all in the past and I can't feel that much emotions now. What about you, why do you always talk about your hyung and not about appa and eomma."

"I never met them hyung, they died when I was a baby. It was only my hyung raising me all this time. Thats why he's my everything. He will be worried about me. "

"Then why did you play the bait teatae. Did they force you to? "

"Hyung...I....."    He's nervous, maybe to share the details of his pack

"Is that like your duty towards alpha thing? "  asked

"Y-yeah k-kind of. "  Poor baby.

"That jimin is gonna kill me right. I wish I could see my hyung once more."  I felt my hand shivering at the thought of  jimin hurting him.

"No taetae, I won't let him, we will find a way out okay."  I hugged him really tight. I love him there's no way back now.

Jk's p.o.v

I saw my hyungs leaving with the huge ass money they got.for selling us. I sighed as we are all tied up in a cell and in less than an hour will be canned for export.

Am afraid but I can't show it , am with jin hyung and I don't want to make him nervous. I turn around to see jin hyung  with a knife in his hand.
Shit..  Thats the knife of our dealer, it hanged in a case on his waist. how? When? I should think about me more than him I see

Who am I jocking about the great luna of my own pack. I saw him puting the small knife inside his shirt sleeve.

"Jungkook... " He's calling me, he...

"Someone is coming, you drink your portion? I can't risk any mistakes."

"Yes hyung I did and the bottle is inside my waist band. " Its the same portion bam hyung got from the omega. The one to mask the wolf smell of my blood.

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