chapter 26

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Tae p.o.v

"Hobi hyung.."


"This coming Friday is my birthday." Lie

"Really ooo pup...why didn't you tell me."

"Will you take me out.." please say no...


"Please Hyung just once i just wanna see the lights, i won't ask anything else."  Lie...

"I will try tae tae"

"I wanna visit the the snowdrop garden here hyung will you take me." Lie....

"How do you know about that garden tae, i don't remember telling you about that place." 
I curse at my idiotic words.

" of the book you bought me had this article about snowdrop garden here and it said it blooms this time of year".

"Oohh.. i will try tae, i will try to take you out".

Am sorry hyung, i don't know what he will do with you but it's my only Chance, am sure you are powerful enough to survive. Just i can't let my jin hyung suffer i remember the voice in my head.

"This Friday bring him to snowdrop garden and i will let you live"

Hobi p.o.v

I need to find a way to get tae out soon...i saw yoongi hyung entering the castle
"Yoongi Hyung where did you go, why there's blood on you, why there's a lot of wound?" What the hell he's been doing...

"To get some fresh air hobi." Really...

"You keep going for fresh air Alot hyung, is it that polluted in here? And come back looking like a zombie"

"Hobi you know i like that boy alot, can't stand the way jimin treats him..
But again why are you here?" Is he talking about jungkook? Why does it feels familiar as if...

"Same reason Hyung, can't stand the way he treats my boy." My tae...

"How the night changes right?"

"Hmmm, will you help me to save him from council?" Please hyung...

"I can't"

"But why hyung, you are royalty, you promised me you would do anything for me right.. please i don't want anything else.." just my pup alive

"He really does have that effect on you hobi ah? The things love make us do is crazy... you know what am even crazier. But i can't help you the council will consist of whole vampire clans and nobody will take his side. Moreover they will be ready to rip his throat right there considering what he did."

"Hyung he's just a pup, naive, am sure his pack used that but he.. he hyung...."

"Hobi you are crying..." Am i ?

"Will you help me to get him out of here?"

"You mean an escape. That's not possible."

"But with our powers we can."

"No hobi." That's my last hope

"Okay Hyung i will be the traitor then."

"Hobi... I will be leaving tomorrow.." what? Where? Why?

"To where?"

"Some place i want to go.."

"How many days?"

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