chapter 7

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Jin p.o.v

When we reached jungkook's house, I had this strange feeling in my gut, anyway I shrugged it off. The house was big but normal. Jungkook pressed the calling bell, and was waiting for someone. I think there are few more of them in there. Tae was standing next to me and observing the house and peeking the sides of the house.

"What are you looking at tae?" I asked him.

"Nothing hyung there is no trace of any other house in this area. I think this is the only house and that too in the middle of woods!!!! "

"What? This house is not enough for you." I questioned him.

"Its not like that hyung... " Suddenly the door opens and our attention drifted to the man who was standing in the entrance.

"Hey koo..... " He paused and averted his eyes. To us.

"Who are they, " he asks Jungkook.

"This is seokjin and his brother taehyung. " He introduced us.
"And this is yugyeom..." He said while pointing at the man.

"But koo.... " He couldn't complete as jungkook spoke.

"I will explain everything" kookei said.

We entered the house I must say it was beautiful. It is well maintained and clean. Jungkook shows us a room since I requested for single room not separate rooms. So I can protect my tiger. He is everything that I have and I don't wanna lose him. Moreover he is little out of the world.

"Where is your room jungkookei, if I can't sleep at night we can play games

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"Where is your room jungkookei, if I can't sleep at night we can play games."
Stupid tae and his stupid games.

"Its downstairs, you can come whenever you want."

"Who's room is this" I asked him while showing my finger at the room beside us.

"Its namjoon hyungs room."

"Oh that dimple guy." I still remember the dimple though.

"Is he interested in games too."

"Tae you won't let me sleep whole night and now you are up for ruining their too. No more games." I said while glaring at my bro.

Like really, we just escaped from cops and drug dealers and its not sure too. And you know my mature brother is going to play games... Great....

"Take rest I will send you some clothes." With that kookei left. Nice house and people. I sighed and layed on bed. I feel so safe here... Strange after all am a scardy cat.

"I must say I really like jungkookei...
I think nobody will find us here." Tae said while laying beside me.

Knoch knock. It was yugyeom with some cloths, that boy is too cute...

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