chapter 29

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Jk p.o.v

The village was beyond beautiful, it had  small  buildings and stores around mostly selling.... Blood? My eyes widen at that.... Ew......
I heard jimin laugh looking at me.

" Lets Have some food kookei..."

"Yeah...Why are you treating me this good when am just a slave." I could help but ask

"Don't know kookah just feels like i should. Like it's my wish.  It feels warm when i know you are okay." That warm up my heart....

That's coz we are mates hyung.. i want to yell to the world.

"Are we near the river."

"Not yet" now that our conversation died down and jimin is looking for food selling place, i noticed our surroundings

"Do they know you are royalty?" I asked him

"No why?"

"The people passing on the streets are staring at us" too unfriendly if i may add.... Jimin turn around and curses under his breath.

"Let's go kookei...." But food...

"Shit, they recognise me..." Who?

"Aren't you the king? Won't they recognise..."

"More like a Traitor, stop talking and run..." The hell is wrong with these vampires always some drama...

We ran as fast as we could into the forest. We got away from them and i was breathing fast gasping for air..

"Is that how people treat their king in this area"  i raise my eyebrow at him..

"It's a long story."

"We have nothing better to do" He pats my hair with a smile and my wolf howls inside me. Small gestures sure.. but they boost my heart like boom...

"During full moon we shift into our true form during which i found a wolf in the woods. I was actually there to compromise a clan problem. That wolf was... I don't know.. used some black magic on me and attracted me. It was like i can't control my emotions. I didn't kill it... The first time i let an opportunity slip that too killing a wolf.."

I felt the pang in my chest. He's talking about me.

"But the next day the clan i was visiting was all dead. Even the kids, with huge gash and nail mark on their small body. The clans found my ring near the place which is one of the way to get inside a vampire territory. And i became a traitor. Coz of that son of a bitch wolf"

No... I didn't take any ring. I didn't betray anyone. What attack is he talking about. We didn't.... But namjoon hyung left for the border that night... Did they???

No he would never attack a kid...

"Then i send my people to get that bitch for me and hes safely trapped in our undergarden cellar".

My intuition was right tae is in there, i hope jin hyung got him...

Hobi p.o.v

It's getting near the counsil meeting am afraid i can't help tae and yoongi hyung also went away at this time. I thought he has a thing for jung... Yeah jungkook then why did he leave so sudden,? what about all the bruises on him?. I was too much caught up in tae that i didn't pay attention to my best friend. It hurts for me to see those eyes of him. Tae still seems to be afraid of him. But he's only cold on the outside. He's the one I trust the most.

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