chapter 13

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Author p.o.v

Jungkook flutter his eyes open to see darkness, its too much darkness around him. He can't move. His breathing becomes irregular,  He tried to get up but collided with something...


"Ahhhhhhhh..... Nggggggg...." Loud screams was heard.

"You piece of a shit you try to trick me.
You didn't do  good with messing up with me " said jimin and hit the boy hard on his abdomen. It'd been going on for almost an hour now. The vampire king beating the shit out of the small boy. But he's controlling himself, not to rip open the said boys throat, at least not until he proves his innocence.

"Ahhhh... W-what are you saying...." The boy couldn't make words due to the immense amount of pain going down his gut. 

"Don't talk you shit," he said before kicking the boy more. Jimin is getting out of hand but it's the wolfs fault too. Playing dangerous games.

"Ahhh ahhhh nggg....

Please stop, it hurts... " The boy kept on crying while coughing blood. Tears leaving his eyes like waterfall.

"If  you were this weak why did you help them to get me. You are more disgusting than your wolf. Acting all sluty and seducing me . I will have so much fun with you omega." Jimim yells while crushing the said boys fingers with his  feet.

"I  didn't trick you, I don't even know what you are... Please dont hurt me....." Jimin grabs his head slamming it to the floor.

"Didn't I tell you to shut that hoe mouth up."  Jimin said still holding a handfull of the Omega's hair.

"Jimin thats enough, he's gonna die. Please let go of him."  Hobi  said, he truly felt guilty towards him. Not that he's a traitor or something but quick death is more easy than this torture. What if the wolf was threatened to do the seduction play. Poor thing won't itself get caught up in vampire kings eyes.

"Why hyung he did this to me he disserve it. Am a traitor infront of my own family because of him." Jimins blood is boiling and he will kill anyone now.

"But let him speak jimin, he's gonna die. Its a small boy and an omega too, they aren't immortal like us. " Hobi said while looking at the fragile boy in the floor laying there with a mix of sweat and blood covered  face.

"Did you by any chance have a fucking crush on him hyung? I won't hesitate to......."

"Jimin let the boy breath, " yoongi  said from the side of the room. To everyone's wonder He was silently watching all the drama.  Unlike the most times when he joins to torture their victim. He's more of a logical type of player, who observes first and plays next.

"Ahh, whats with you two. Don't buy his innocence act. " Jimin yelled in frustration. He can't stand his hyungs being  kind to a wolf , that too a traitor himself.

"you need him to prove shit to clan leaders pabo. " There he goes, yoongi the player. He plays very well, moves with accuracy, he thinks twice before playing. That make him a unique one.

"Tell Jackson to get this bitch into  basement." Jimin left afterwards.

Hobi picked up the half conscious boy. He felt a pang of pain and guilt in his heart, he was a human too he have emotions, not strong but he still have some in the corner of his heart

The Boy's face was coverd with blood and dirt.

"Don't think too much hope ah... An enemy is still an enemy."  Said yoongi before leaving.

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