chapter 21

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Jk p.o.v

They dragged us through some places still with the blindfold.  When the blind fold was taken off, it was super dark, we were  almost 14 humans in there. I saw jin hyung searching for.. Me I think. When his eyes landed on me he sighs and move towards me our hands are tied in the front.

"Hyung you okay?"

"Are we in the castle yet? What if they send us to other places."

"I don't think so hyung. They said something of virgins having more demand. The most power full people are in the castle so we will end up there,or atleast I hope so."

We saw the men who took us here walking towards us.

"Don't try to pull some brave  ideas and   you will die right here. He warned, voice dripping with venom. "There's the podium stand on it. Virgins on the right."

We walk stumbling in the dark and I stand beside jin hyung. I can feel the fear radiating from each bodies. Who won't be scared if they are kidnapped one night and are in some old looking creepy castle.
Suddenly the darkness is replaced by bright lights blinding my eye. The podium was surrounded with dark sheets, now that they are removed bright spot lights are on us.

I fix my eyes to realize it was a huge hall almost like stadium. People wistle and pass dirty comment on us.

"Bastards... " I heard jin hyung saying.

What is this? I ask myself. Why is there so many vampires, their scent is filled in the air. Its is suffocating me. The dirty musky scent giving me nausea. Suddenly the comments and whistles die dow. A man with pale skin is  walking towards a huge chair he must be of high rank.  People are respecting him i see, he sat down and the crowd still remain standing, is he the king? Then  Someone is making their way to the huge scary  chair  in the middle. I don't know what's happening to me but my wolf is restless howling in...... I don't know what emotion. I know that smell. My eyes widen, watching the same creature from that scary night. The same smell yelling out dominance, dark eyes with no emotion at all.  Hes more handsome in his human form, its similar to the vampire form but more captivating. What is he doing here? I didn't plan on a get together, not this early atleast. My heart is beating crazy, my legs trembling, sweat drops dripping inside my t shirt.

My whole world crash down by what I hear next.

All hail king park.... He smirks and gesture his hand for them to sit down. What did I got myself into.....

Jimin p.o.v

These horny sluts are wasting money for such pathetic humans. I want to throw up by watching the blood lust these idiots are showing.I have to be here as the new king. Neither me or suga hyung attend these type of shit programs. Hobi hyung isn't a royal blood to attend this and am sure he's more interested in baby sitting that slut.

They are introducing each one of them, ohh there is six virgins. Usually we don't get much virgins and these people wasting huge money on them is because virgin blood has a different taste. It tastes more good. Not sweet as some smoothie  like in those shit novels. Blood is blood and it tastes like blood. But virgin blood is more alluring and have a special smell. Its thought to bring you more power.  I wanted to tell suga hyung that am gonna leave and I saw my hyung's curious eyes stuck on something more like someone.

Damnnnn... He's, he's beautiful. He's young. Jungkook thats what the boy introduced himself as.  I noticed him staring at me with wide mouth, must be eye fucking me. I smirked at him and he was bought back to reality, he's looking down now. Too shy to look up I see. Shy people aren't my type, its more fun to break aggressive angels.... Like that slut back then in the forest. Aggressively beautiful. Snap out of it jimin. You are gonna kill him not to make babies with him. But I need a distraction.

I heard the money going up and up for that boy. My standards are never low. Its 500000  already, I can't imagine these bitches drinking that boy out.

"He comes with me..."

"1000000...."  Did I just hear the not so interested yoongi hyung beting money.  We both made eye contact. He want to challenge me I can see that. But I want the boy.

"But jimin.."

"He comes with me anyone have any problem. " Everyone was silent.  The boy was trembling in marks hand who's dragging him. He's blushing, cheeks red as a tomato. I left After I got what I wanted.

Jin p.o.v

Some vampire bought me,same goes for kookei, I hope we both will end up in the same place, am scared, I can't imagine letting a creature drink from me.  Kook is afraid, I can  tell same goes for me, but I can't let this fear over power me. I need my brother.

This man is dragging me to what I assume is a room, please not that vampires room.

"Get inside, its your room from now on, you pull some escape plan and you die, you disrespect any of your masters you die. You will be assigned to your duties."  With that he left me in that room. I tried to open the door, no its closed from outside. Now I have to find jungkook.

I inspected the room, there's not much just a bed and a shelf, nothing comforting as in the pack house, No namjoon for me to yell at, No tae tae to pull pranks. I felt my tears. I have kept them inside for long. Even if I hate namjoon, I agree this cold room lack the warmth of him.

Jk p.o.v

He was dragging me through a hallway and  we enter a huge bedroom with dark shade of furniture,It was really big almost big as my  pack house practice ground.

He left me there without a word and i was  talking a look  of everything in the room. There's a lot of alcohol bottles. Is it a alcohol vampire or blood vamp..

I felt someones chin on my shoulder, I didn't even hear anyone entering the room. suddenly a hand grabs my waist from back a cold body coming in contact with mine. familiar feeling of fire spreading all over my body.

"Missed me?" The voice send cold shiver down my existence.

Code red....

I don't have any time to write.. My  college think am some kind of a robot. I finished my exams today 
Please put up with me being a snail. I will try to upload more... Purple you...
Am kinda thinking about a new fic too... Eveb though I can't even complete this one... Have any ideas?
Purple you💜💜💜💜💜

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