chapter 22

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Jk p.o.v

"Miss me..." I heard it clear the temperature in the room is high even in this winter. I didn't turn around calculating the hundreds of scenarios if the portion bam bam hyung bought me didn't work. He  know the smell of my blood that's for sure.

"Turn around. " I did as I was told. He stands there with black button up shirt and a black ripped jeans. His hair is full black matching his outfit. I licked my lips looking at the perfect man in front of me

"Gorgeous..." I heard him say and he took a step towards me. I took one back and he stills.

"Are you scared little thing?"

"So you are jungkook, you must be lucky to be the first slave I ever had."

Oh, his voice, its ringing in my ear.  Am the first one he ever took in? Thats an...umm...information yeah information. I looked up and saw he staring at me with that dark eyes.

"Not even a hy? You are my slave, you should talk when I tell you to."

"Umm... Am jungkook and you?"

"Asking questions I see..."  He steps near me, now practically breathing down my skin.

"Um..ummm... Well, I didn't know what to call you so."

"The name is jimin, park jimin, but its master for you."

"Master," I   looked at him questioningly. I should have killed you back then in the forest, disgusting blood suckers. The mark in my neck tingles as he comes near me, not a mating mark but still it tingles as if my skin remember his fangs. I was thinking deep that I didn't notice him near me until an arm snakes around my waist, I shriek at the sudden action and try to move back only to be held tight to his chest.

"Don't run away from me, you will be hunted to nothing but ashes." He said near my ear taking deep breaths. I stills for a moment knowing he's smelling my blood.

"Damn.. He hisses and stare at my face. Did he?

"You smell nice, am sure you taste good too, I will have you when the time is right." He said and licked my neck. I shuddered under the wet cold tongue and he let go of my waist.I have never been this close to someone so... So dominant. Yeah the alphas back in my pack was dominating but they feared my position as the pack beta. They won't get involved with me thinking about the consequences. But getting dominated isn't something I was into....

"I need to go, someone will be here to get you to your room." He left and I slid down near the bed. Heart beating faster. Body shaking. I almost thought he's gonna kill me. Thank god bam hyung bought me that portion.I kept my hand on my heart which was beating crazily

"It's not gonna be easy at all."

Tae p.o.v

I couldn't escape, rather than the one who caught me the thing I agreed on scares the shit out of me. It was just for my life but.....


"You are a brave little pup aren't you. At last you took advantage of hoseok.I was waiting for this moment." he pushes me more into the brick wall. His hands dipping into the back of my neck. My chest grinding on the cold brick. My hand being painfully stretched backward.

"Please, I just wanted to save my life. I just...."

"I could kill you right now. Or  may l get you to the king, I don't know how painfully he will end you."

"No... Please I beg you. I will do anything you want. Please."

"Then go back and sit in that cell waiting for death."

"No.. I don't want to die. I have a family."

"Ohh you do? Then lets make a deal shall we."

"Yes, I will do anything you want."

"Anything you say pup... Then............ Get me hoseok."

"Wh-what? Why? I mean why hyung? Why do you need him?"

"You don't seem to be in a position to ask questions. You just die or help me.'

"What do I have to do?"

"Lead him on. Act like you care and love him which obviously you don't. Earn his trust. And lead me to him."

"You wann kill hyung ?"

"Why would i kill him when i can use you to ? "  I let him drag me back to the cell throwing me inside.

"Will be a frequent visitor. Bye beautiful. " My world strted trembling and tears left my eye.

Flashback ends

Am sorry hobi hyung

Jk p.o.v

I was dragged into a  hall leading to the corridor filled with doors. My arms hurt from the constant pull. If it wasn't for tae, I would have dipped my fangs in this bastards windpipe. He opens a double door and I saw jin hyung sitting on the bed. He turns around and jump up from the bed.

"Don't try to pull any stund, you try to escape...."

"Yeah we die for prerty much everything.Heard enough."
I suppressed my laugh. Hyung is really sassy. He locks the door behind me.

"You okay?"...... He asks me.

"Yeah what about you."

"Am fine, was just worried you will be getting banged by that king.".   My ears turn red and I bit my lip. I don't fully  disagree with the sound of it.

"So we are stuck here and I don't think  we will easily get  tae.  Make your relation with the king more trustworthy. There won't be anything a king won't know about his own castle. He will blurt something out for sure."

"And hyung about the one who bought you, he seems close to master. We can use him."

"Master?" Jin hyung is giving me a 'really jungkook' look

"That bitch want me to call him that." I look at my feet and my ears are red.

"I see....."

Jimin p.o.v

"Appa, I will be conducting the  moon ash ceremony one month from now."

"Why?  You did say you don't want such thing happen."

"I changed my mind, its the beginning of a war, its important. We didn't do any after I became the king."

"You can, just don't let the clans know. Am already struggling to keep them down. And be careful, they will backstab."

' soon i will start my journey to bring the  heart stone of moon river. "

"You know what else you need right?"

"Yes dad , A virgin to sacriufice.... '

Who do you think jimins gonna sacrifice?  Who caught Tae?

Am sorry that the updates are slow. I just have a lot of works to finish. I will try to update more.

Purple you💜💜

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