chapter 32

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Jk p.o.v

"Hyung what are you doing, where are we going.."  jin hyung keep pulling me to the garden

"I know where tae is and i got the keys.Lets get him and get out of here..."  No... Not out of here.. i can't.. i can't leave my mate...


"I know kookei it must be painful for you but he will kill you if we..."  That's bullshit hyung he would never hurt me... He... He can't....

I turn around and saw jimin standing at the balcony, can't you forgive me?, can't you take me back?, can't you hear me out?, can't you love me for once...?..... Should I keep my tearing heart together. Should I let it burn my chest forever...

We reach the basement, the key hyung has helped us to get inside, maybe due to the festival there isn't many guards. inside we kept checking every cell, there's many of them, most being empty. The last one had a lock but it was open and no one was inside.

"Kookei, he.. he's not here, tae..." Hyung started to panick and i wasn't in any better condition. The least i could do is keep my promise to jin hyung.

"Tae... It's hyung, please god..." Jin hyung kept calling out...

"Tae, where are you..." I voiced out as fear and pain filled me to the brim...

"Did they? Did they.... .. my baby..." he broke down on the cold floor

"Hyung"   i Hugged jin hyung tight, did they hurt him, or  kill him ? Fear filled my veins,  maybe jimin shift tae to another location?

"He's safe.." we heard someone say from behind.... it's hobi...

Hyung dashed on him grabbing his neck..

"Where's my brother?"

"Don't worry he's safe, i helped him to escape". His eyes devoid of any emotion. But we couldn't believe what we heard.. he.. a vampire helped tae to escape? Why though?  No vampire does anything with good intentions that too for someone they think is a wolf...

"How? Why?" Hyung voiced out my exact thoughts

"Yoongi hyung helped me, tae will be in your pack soon...". Shit... He knows we are wolfs... It's not safe to stay here anymore.....but did he just say yoongi.. oh my god that bitch....

"Shit.. yoongi..  he's a traitor, he's..." I yelled out holding on to jin hyung Shit he have tae, he.. he will hurt tae..

"Yeah he's helping you wolfs........ Please just leave..... the guards will be alarmed at any moment, please go..." 

His words were like a bucket of cold water... Who wolfs? Which wolfs is yoongi in side with?from whatever i know  Yoongi isn't on our side..... is he with namjoon hyung..? no.. my hyung will never do such thing... I dismissed the thoughts what if yoongi hurt tae...

"No not without my brother.." jin hyung yelled at his face.. we have no time.

I grabbed a crying jin hyung out of the basement, there's no time. Guards will be here soon. Even if we have a chance to get tae back it's out there in the pack ground. I need to get hyung out of this...

"And please tell him that i love him even though he's nothing but a traitor". Hobi hyung said in the most dangerous tone i have ever seen this happy pill talk with. Am too familiar with those words, "love him even if he's a traitor". He loves tae. Yeah that must be the only clear explanation that a vampire let go of a human.. no a human whom the vampire think is a wolf.. the ultimate enemy....

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