chapter 30

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Jimins p.o.v

Sun is shining brightly outside the cave we are in, i look at the cute human near me, kookei is sleeping with his mouth open, drooling a bit and showing the bunny teeth. He looks damn cute. Am pretty much healed. Calculating the clans must have informed others about my presence and could be here by any minute. I should retrieve the heart stone asap and get kookei back to safety.  Then i look at the cute human in my chest....

"Kook..." I shake him gently he yawns.

"Hyung...." He open his eyes and look at my healing wound with worry...

"Don't worry am good.." then he realise his position on my chest and i could see him moving away but suddenly he leaned in and place a kiss on my forehead.. i won't mind waking upto this everyday...

"Let's move, staying here isn't much of help. They will be here soon."

"Where's this river by the way."

"It's nearby, let's walk we will reach by afternoon."

"Am hungry..." Shoot he didn't eat yesterday as well

"Don't pout let's look for berries or something".

"Don't you have to... Um...." What is he.. ooo .. i chuckle and started to lean in wetting my lips and he get scared..


"No i did have my feed before we started the journey.." he's so easy to tease

Jk p.o.v

We started walking. And i could hear the vampires far away from us, wolf abilities.  I could see jimin looking at my hands now and then before grabbing my hands and lacing his fingers in mine.

"Mate... Mine..." My wolf says with a content smile...

"I used to live in the forest when i was a child. I always wish if i could live in it forever". I said admiring the beauty...

"Yeah it must be hard growing up without parents.." he said looking at me with empathy

"It wasn't actually, joonei hyung made sure i was...."  Shit.......

"Joonei? Isn't your brother jin?..." The fuck is wrong with you kookei...

"Um... It's my first cousin, he's older and took care of both of us.."  one day i will tell you everything but no not yet

"Can I know his full name bunny..." Oh shit shit fuck...

"Seok joon..."

"Ooo.. why are you a jeon then?" How much i need to lie.. that too to my own mate..

"My moms surname"

"That's the river he says pointing somewhere..."

"Ooo it's.... It's etheral...." It actually is, the water is pretty shade of green, moon light lightening up the whole surface.. it's beautiful, now i Know why it's called moon river, it's the moon, the river seems to be a living part of  luna...

"I have to swim deep into the river to take the stone out, stay here if someone comes go and hide okay..." He says too calm, his eyes are getting red shot.... I could feel the tingling of the mark on my neck. I... He's changing.. can they change outside full moon, shit... What if he recognise me...

Jimin p.o.v

I swim into the river, it's cold but i don't care all i care about is the person i left on the bank, once i get my hands on the stone i will be back to him. The ceremony will help me to kill every wolf alive. Depth of the river is too much for a human to touch. It's cold and the moon is shining bright. I could feel my beast trying to break out.. am near. I could see the bright light coming deep from the water. I reach the heart of the river and it is covered with veins i tried to dig through them but no matter what they are growing back. They have dark energy protecting them. They need something, something which will help me to tame that energy....

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