final ❤️ ❤️ ❤️🔞

557 14 3

3rd person p.o.v

They went back to the castle with smile adoring their lips. It's gonna be a tough journey ahead, even if you love eachother being a trouple can be tough. It's not uncommon among neither wolfs nor vampires. But one of them being a human is really rare. At the end they will work it out though.

Suddenly someone hugs yoongi from the back, by the strong hold he know who it is..

"Why hyung? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I really wanted to hobi, i was scared that you might never be the same if the old emotions aren't there in your vampire self."

Tae stood there admiring the two. It's awkward between him and yoongi. It always been. He was scared of the vampire.. but not much now.

"Now can we have a trouple hug.." he asks and both hobi and yoongi let him in. They're taking it easy especially yoongi and tae. They are getting to know eachother. Hobi is the building bridge who have experience in having a relationship with both.

Tae and yoongi still fights alot. Mostly because yoongi can't always stand tae's childish behaviour. But hobi is there to balance everything.

The balancing don't work everytime though. Tae have a never expiring battery in trouble making . Hobi tries to keep it in limit.

Nothing goes unnoticed by yoongi. By nothing it also means the hungry gazes and  make out sections both his mates have.



"Hobi hyung..."


"Hobi hyung...."

"Babe.. you know you can't do that.. it's against the rules. Once we get caught yoongi hyung's gonna kill us."

"No one will know hyung, we will just go have a look at the clan auction.."

"You are a human too tae. What if we get in trouble?"

"You can protect me like you always did. Pretty please.." he hugs hobi..

"It's not like the past. We are going to the clan auction with thousands of vampires. Do i look like a vampire weapon project to you?"

"Please hyung......." Tae kisses down the throat of hobi and one thing hobi can't say no to is taehyung's puppy dog eyes. It's bound to happen right...


"Yoongi hyung.." jimin calls out once he see yoongi running through the corridor

"Where are they?"

"The general office..." Jimin says 

"This dump little shit. Always causing me trouble. The hell they were doing there...." Yoongi breaths out.. panting a little due to the speed with which he ran to castle....

"I don't know hyung. They were at a local clan's auction.  That too A human auction...." Jimin says still trying hard to believe it...

"Am sure that brat talked hobi into it. But how did hobi agree to that? Bringing your own human to an auction.  Where are they?" 

"With Dad......." 

Yoongi looks at jimin with wide eyes and runs towards the office...he heard the yelling voices..

"You fucking idiots. Do you have any idea what you were doing? Hobi? You are a trained vampire, how did you do it. I will take actions against..." Jimin's dad was yelling at hobi and tae..

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