chapter 1

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Author p.o.v

The huge castle stands with all its pride even the atmosphere was scary
It was the unholy kingdom of vampires whom we don't even believe to exist

             Darkness hovering over the alleyways. The gothic design and sculptures making it more barbaric

the prodigious pride it holds is terrific
The interior was more welcoming but still.... Evil..

Even the miasma of blood blowing and penetrating the softs of your nostrils can make you the slaves of those fangs
Those huge pillars holding the history of million years

Even the miasma of blood blowing and penetrating the softs of your nostrils can make you the slaves of those fangsThose huge pillars holding the history of million years

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There stood a man, in his all glory none other than
             The emperor of vampires...

His well built chest puffing in it's all pride those piercing eyes with abominous cruality those fangs suppressed under a thin lined lips
Arms transformed to fist as he waits impatiently
And the roar came next second made the whole universe submit under the presiding voice....


A handsome male enters the room
He is tall and musculine  his brown orb's were scary yet calming he has a well defined , sharp jaw lines that could cut you in half,,,,  he was wearing all black

A handsome male enters the room He is tall and musculine  his brown orb's were scary yet calming he has a well defined , sharp jaw lines that could cut you in half,,,,  he was wearing all black

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" jackson where is Jimin" the king questioned with a glare

" he was here when i last saw him my king"  jackson replied with a little confusion

"Where? Am searching for him since morning  the council is about to start in one hour. .. And where the hell is he"
      His voice echoed in the walls.

" I was with him till I went for some preparation for meeting.   his voice was shaking

""Greattttt...  I told you to keep him here and what did you do""

"Sorry I......." Jackson couldn't complete his words

The king was getting more and more upset with the time pass by

"Is yoongi and hobi with him.."

( A/N yes  how can I write a story without them)

"I think so" jackson said almost like a whisper

It means he is not gonna make it here today !!! Till god knows how many decades

"Calm down my king.. I will find him before meeting"

Hurry up I don't want people disrespecting me for the sake of an ungreatful brat that I have as a son..

The king leaves after a roar..

Jackson called mark he was getting restless because he very well knew that what kind of a person jimin is..
But now its about the pride of their kingdom , as a royal knight its his responsibility to make sure they are respected

"Ahhhh... This father and son is going to kill me one day"

Then mark enters with a playfull smile

"Mark, I told you to keep an eye on jimin and what the hell were you doingNow he is gone and his father is getting on my nerves"Jackson almost killed mark with his outburst

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"Mark, I told you to keep an eye on jimin and what the hell were you doing
Now he is gone and his father is getting on my nerves"
Jackson almost killed mark with his outburst

Mark replied with a blank face
"Hyung, you know what you are saying, right?
We are talking about jimin.   the park jimin..... He don't even hear to his own dad    a bloody Dracula how could you even expect him to listen to me"

            I know mark but the meeting is about to start I already give my word to king that I will bring him

"Then ....... forget about your promise hyung he is with hobi and yoongi and you really think you can find him?" a smirk was evident in his words

""""Shit these fucking vampires" he said while touching his temple

Don't curse all for those three exceptional cases

'''Do I look like in a mood to laugh:;
Jackson was getting really annoyed


Oh god we have to find him before the situation gets out of hand

Mark thought and said
       " hyung what do you think, all this council drama is about...?"

" I think our king is presenting jimin as the next king thats why he is kicking my ass today" jackson blurted out with a sigh

Try to mindlink hobi the only normal one in the trio " ordered Jackson

We can try thats all i can say  said mark..

( I hope you all like the chapter it is written by @ panda express _tae_30
Love you all ❤❤)

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